MOVIE >scene40> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Jessie sprang towards his friend and began helping him in from the window. Rihanna watched with the hairs on the back of her neck standing on ends. She just stood there, watching Jessie struggle to get Lexis inside from the fairly medium size window.

The memory of what happened earlier today suddenly clouded her thoughts. His words. His deadly eyes. His threats. The fear, the sick deep fear in the pit of her stomach as he mercilessly threw knives, knives, while she hoped every single second that one of them wouldn't pierce into her back, her spine, forever paralyzing her.

She whimpered and pressed her knuckles against her lips. Suddenly more afraid of him than she ever was, afraid of how easily he can access personal space.

"Rihanna, don't just stand there." Jessie exclaimed, breathless as he tried to pull Lexis in.

She took a quick step back and glanced at Jessie then Lexis.

She was petrified. His dark, manipulative and hateful presence. She didn't want to come near him, in fact, she didn't want to even stay in the same room.

Her body was already positioned to run for the door.

"Help. Rihanna, what's wrong? Why aren't you helping?!" Jessie grunted as he tried to get Lexis' legs in from the window, but failed. Lexis, who seemed to be slowly losing consciousness, attempted to help, but he did as much as lifting his shoulders before he gave up to weakness.

She watched. She couldn't move. She didn't want to help him. She didn't want him to be here. Why was he here?! Why out of all places in this Academy did he have to come to their dorm?!

"Rihanna!" Jessie now insisted with a harsh tone, exhausted. He suddenly remembered her distaste for Lexis. "Don't think of him as Lexis. Think of him as a sick person who needs help. Now would you please, please, not just stand there?!"

She let out a frustrated cry! She just stood there, knuckles pressed against her lips, while her body shook. A memory in her head threatened to break through. Looking at him a lot of memories tried to break through. She hated him.

Hated him with her past, future and present.

Jessie looked at her now worried, confused by her unstable reaction. "R–Rihanna. What's wrong?"

She shook her head again as she wiped her eyes.

"Please. Rihanna, I can't do this alone." He grunted as he took hold of Lexis' clothes to keep him from falling back out of the window. He was suddenly losing grip of Lexis. "Just think of him as if he was someone else. Think of him as a sick person in desperate need of our help."

She wished she had taken her candy. She wished that all of this happened after she had the pill that would have made encountering all of this a little more easier. She might have been cooperative then. But her candy wasn't in her blood stream, so accepting all of this was as hard as it could get for her.

Nonetheless, in favor of Jessie's distraught expression, she closed her eyes shut and while breathing in and out slowly, she repeated one verse in her head: think of him as a sick person! Think of him as a sick person! Think of him as a sick person!

Jessie's face was piling up with sweat at the sick person's weight. He needed help. Not just the sick person, but Jessie as well.

She exhaled a long breath and quickly made her way across the room. She propped the sick person's legs inside, then with all of her strength, helped Jessie carry him to the bed. After they had him lay there with his head positioned on the pillow, being more experienced with things like this, she went straight to being in charge.

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