MOVIE >scene96> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Hours passed.

The sun poured down heavy waves of heat. It stung the skin on her face like electric. Her eyes were rolling back, going away. Her hot skull over-soaked a heatwave, pulling her into dizziness. No matter how far away she rolled her head, the rays were still there, capturing her skin until she heard a sizzle. Under her, the scorching concrete was merciless. She couldn't open her eyes anymore, though she clearly remembers the last time she did, her skin was a terrifying salamander orange.

A small bird landed on her dead arm. The simple touch over the sunburn made an instant scream of rage and pain escape Rihanna's lips, bellowing so loud that it took half of her energy out... leaving her breathless.

She let out loud breaths as she sat in the middle of the roof, tied to the pole. At the very beginning, she had countlessly tried to break free, but nothing worked. Now, any simple movement would have her cry in pain. Her inner thoughts were begging for water, the thought of ice was deathly. It was the most neediest moment of her life. Ice! Ice... Ice...


The sun-rays shone with heat, knowing it was only an hour more before the damn thing would set away, that brought some sort of impatient hope into her heart. But the moment she thinks of ice or water, torment would take over inside her.

"No... I hate this..." She mumbled, her lips began to move without consciousness.


Lexis made his way up the stairway.

Usually, he would be heading towards the piano room, but someone had taken over that space, nearly occupying it all days and most nights. Now he was left with the one place he knows for sure will be empty at this time of day.

The roof.

"Lexis?" Summer, who was also making her way to the roof, looked up and saw someone already going up the stairs. Fear overtook her when she realized it was Lexis. "What are you going up there for?"

Lexis paused, contemplating his decision. If Summer was to join him, he'd rather go to the Ellis wing instead.

He slipped his hands in his pant's pockets and turned around, looking at Summer he said. "Your question, its fearful. Is there something you don't want me to see up there?" He said with ease.

It terrified her how easily he can read through her. Surely he knew her feelings for him, but was simply avoiding confronting her with it.

Don't go up there.

"There is something I need to speak to you about. Let's go to the lounge."

Lexis ran his eyes over her body. "I don't think a talk is needed. I know."

There it is. Its true. Summer looked at the door behind Lexis, afraid. I need to distract him. I need him to leave me and this place alone.

"Then why....?"

"I told you before, I'm not good for you."

The fear inside of her was joined with both anger and hurt. "I believe I told you before too, you're not good for anyone."

He smiled his lazy smile. "That goes out to balance what I mean. What do you want with someone broken like me? I'll never really love you. I barely tolerate the human race, let alone feel good things for them."

Furious, she snapped. "You do that for your brother."

"You don't know a thing... about my brother."

"Then let me in. Tell me." Desperation was visible in her tone.

His smiled deepened. "You know too much already." He breathed, turning around to leave.

Summer glanced at the door leading to the roof, looking back at Lexis she quickly said. "Isn't that a good thing?! I already know what you have done. I accept everything about you. No matter what happened in the past, I don't mind you. You say that you're not good for me, but I'm perfect for you."

He closed his eyes, fighting back the memory.

"You and your grandfather." Summer said, almost in a whisper. Somewhat affected by the words she was saying herself. "You were close. You loved him. More than you've ever loved your father."

"Shut up." Lexis said, his fingers curling into fists.

"But he betrayed that love for you. He–"

"I SAID SHUT UP!" In a split moment, he had his fingers curled around Summer's neck, pushing her against the wall while a fire lit around his arm-muscles, his furry filled heart daring him to flex. "Don't you dare talk of this ever again."

With a single push she was tumbling down the stairs, where she landed against the tiles. She looked up at him with rage, completely forgetting her initial plans as he stormed up and slammed the roof's door behind him.

The memory rushed back.





He grabbed a nearby tanning chair and slammed it against the wall, letting out an enraged scream.


"Help." Rihanna called out.

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