MOVIE >scene87> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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 @Morningmist14 just omg. 0: My fingers are literally broken too from trying to type this chapter as fast as I can to satisfy your determination. You guys are incredible. 

Mandy walked into the room, an angry expression had taken over her face. She walked over to the TV and stood in front of it, eyeing everyone then halting her gaze on Rihanna.

"There is one thing that I truly hate more than anything else." She said, anger boiling over from her eyes. "Liars."

She turned the TV on.


Rihanna was instantly alert. Her heart began beating at a million beats a minute, so fast that any moment now a hole was going to form in her chest.

She looked at Mandy, terrified to the toes. Why Rihanna? What did Rihanna do?

Mandy clicked a button on the remote and a visual of the F.A.I.T.H. classroom came into view. "I suppose you didn't know that a camera is placed in this classroom?"

Rihanna's eyes grew big as a video of her entering the F.A.I.T.H. wing by herself came into focus. It was the day Anthony first introduced it to her. He was standing outside the classroom at that time, and only Rihanna was in the camera's view.

"You said Jessie gave you the pin number the morning of your first day here for the wing, can you explain this?"

Rihanna swallowed. Everyone watched her, and she could feel her cheeks grow hot at the thought of Jessie's opinion of her now.

"How did you know the pin number?"

Kurt, the mute, was about to raise his hand and take the blame before Mandy pulled up another video.

"He gave it to you, didn't he?"

A view of Rihanna and Anthony sitting together by the wooden floor table doing the puzzle came into view now. Mandy looked at Lexis. "Did I not make myself clear when I said no one is to know the pin number to this room except for those who belong in it?"

The video fast-forwarded until the puzzle had finished. Rihanna was so happy at that moment that she grabbed Anthony's face and kissed him on the cheek. This ended up in him wanting one on the lips and Rihanna chasing him for trying to steal one from her. The video clearly showed the undeniable bond in-between them and how much fun they were having.

Rihanna was traumatized.

Lexis' expression was never more caught off guard, overthrown by the relationship he never knew about.

"Hey, yo, ain't that Anthony?" Devon asked, eyeing the screen.

"Yeah. That's him..." Connor answered.

"No one is ever good enough for that kid. Its so weird that Rihanna is his type." Katerina remarked.

Rihanna's gaze dropped to her lap. She wondered what Lexis' thoughts were right now.

"You will redo the puzzle. Twice. And until then, you will be the Academy's janitor." Mandy threw a red oversized vest to Rihanna. On the back of it, it said: Ask me to clean for green. "You will wear that at all times."

Lexis looked over at Rihanna, and Rihanna did the same. For a single moment, their eyes locked.

How is it even remotely possible...

I promise you new readers, you guys are in for one hell of a ride. Buckle up and get ready. You haven't seen the quarter of it yet. 

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