MOVIE >scene126> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Lexis lay on the couch, his eyes drilling into the ceiling. He didn't sleep a wink all night. His thoughts were deranged as he tried to think, to prosper the idea of what had happened, but when he concludes his thinking, he would only hit a dead end.

No matter how many times he tried to add things up, it was all odds. Nothing evened up. Was it her? Was it not?

It was her.

But knowing the kind of person she is, her actions were definitely uncalled for.

So... it's not her?

He closed his eyes shut, reminiscing everything that happened that night.

No. It was her.

The memory of their quick kiss flashed back–

But then again, it couldn't be her.

Exasperated, he let out a growl and straightened up in a sitting position.

"Hey bro." Anthony greeted, walking into the Ellis wing. "What's up?"

The hair color... an odd.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Anthony leaned forward in front of Lexis, staring into his glazed eyes.

Her ankle, breathing efficiency, fighting skills, her –they were all Rihanna....

The odds were much less, but that kiss... it weighed the odds to balance it all out.

"I'm thinking." Lexis finally responded.


I need answers. I'm paying attention to all the wrong things right now.

Lexis looked up and stared at his little brother. "Where have you been all day?"

Anthony sighed. "Doctor Palandro wanted to meet with me. We discussed some things."

"About what exactly?"

Anthony dropped down on the recliner across from Lexis and sighed. "He said I'm not allowed to be in the Academy anymore. I have to stay home." He glanced up at Lexis, and with a quiet voice he added, "In bed."

Lexis nodded, keeping his expression under control. He could tell that Anthony was trying his best to keep his unhappy expression behind a mask as well. "I'm going to stay with you. We'll play video games all day."

Anthony's eyes widened. "Really?"

Lexis nodded. "All day. All night. Whatever you want."

Anthony jumped. "Yes!" He ran to the door. "I love you bro!"

Lexis laid back on the couch, his thoughts yet again taken by yesterday's events.

I have to check.

He needed to regain his mind's consciousness. It needs to start functioning again to see the bigger picture.

I need to see her...

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