MOVIE >scene45> - A Dorm. A Delinquent. A Girl.

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Jessie looked down at his phone and read the text message he received from Lexis.

Meet me outside door 'C'. Now.

Confused, Jessie hurried to him, wondering what could have possibly happened that Lexis needed him this urgently.

On his way, crowds of people were gathered together around something. Sidetracked, Jessie made his way to the commotion.

"That's insane. Can you believe someone would stoop so low. At least Joshua had common sense."

"I know. I'd hate to be her right now."

When he saw who they were talking about, Jessie's heart dropped. He couldn't believe the state she was in. What angered him more was the fact that no one helped her. No one tried.

What sick minds you all have.

He hurried to Rihanna and began untying her. The glue was still fresh, which meant it could still be washed out.

"Jessie–" Her voice broke. She was holding it all in. Her humiliation, her fear, her discomfort as everyone gawked at her.

"Oh god." He breathed out as he tried to get the rope off. "I'm so sorry. So sorry sweetheart. They're insane."

When the rope no longer held her up, she nearly fell to the ground, exhausted, but Jessie grabbed her and cradled her in his arms like a baby. He burned with remorse and anger, emotion he rarely ever feels, or ever felt the need to feel.

"You–" She began saying.

He turned on his heels and walked through the crowd, her body swaying with his as he took large fast steps. Feeling like she might fall, she quickly wrapped her arms around Jessie's neck.

More glue. Oh no.

"Jessie. Glue, you have glue all over you now."

He answered with a smile. Beyond the current situation, it put her under so much ease. "Hey, you only get to experience something like this once in life." He joked.

She smiled back. "You're right. Who knew glue would feel so sticky."

Before long, due to Jessie's fast walk, they were both in the gyms shower room. He put Rihanna down and looked her over.

"The glue's still wet." He began peeling the papers stuck to her and crumbling them up, not bothering to linger his gaze over them.

He turned the faucet on, and the shower head instantly stormed a strong tide of water out. The sound of it was reassuring.

Jessie took ahold of Rihanna's shoulder and pushed her under the water. And as the warmth of it sprinkled down her face and inside her shoes, she could only stare at Jessie.

He smiled, and exhaled a sigh of relief. "It's getting off."

His brown eyes are beautiful...

"Who was it?" He asked.

His smile speaks serenity in its purest form...

"Who did this to you?"

And... he's so kind. So very kind.


Rihanna's shock at her own thoughts made her look down at her feet.


She looked up at Jessie.

"Are you okay?"

I think I'm in love with you.

"Are you okay?"

And I don't think I should.

She quickly nodded. "Y–yeah."

He started chuckling. She looked up at him.

He pointed at his face with the palm of his hand. His fingers making circles around his eyes. "Your eye makeup."

Rihanna thought about it. And when she realized how her black thick eyeliner must be running down her face in witch-like form, she covered her face with embarrassment. "Oh no!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." But he laughed anyway.

"Can you please get me clothes from our dorm? And there is a green makeup bag in the bathroom's drawer..."

"Sure. Will you be okay by yourself here?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

He was quiet for a moment. He seemed nervous as he said. "It's actually the male's gym locker room."


"It was out of habit. I hope you understand."

Rihanna nodded with her lips pursed. "I do. Its fine."

He sighed. "Alright. I'll go get them. Be right back."

She nodded again and tried to smile. However, when he left, she instantly began rubbing her face, trying to clear as much of the eyeliner streaks as she can.

So embarrassing. So very embarrassing.

When she felt assured that most of the eyeliner would be gone, she began running the warm water through her hair, and squeezing most of the glue out. When that was glue-free, she began with her neck and arms.

"Catch him!"

She froze with one her of her hands on her neck, her eyes opening wide at the harsh demanding voice.

"Don't let the damn brat get away."

Rihanna's heart began to pound as the sound of heavy running footsteps was audible everywhere outside the shower room. She quickly hid in the dark corner next to the door and hoped whoever it was would pass.

It took her a second to realize she had left the shower head on.

Oh no, no, no, no.

Her eyes opened big and they darted between the opened door and the shower handle.

She had to shut it off.


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