New worlds

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Ella's pov
I wake up on a plane "nope not a dream" I think to my self. I look around and wonder how many people are moving to the United Kingdom like me? Or are they just visiting family? But that is when I hear my mom say "pack up Ella". I grab my bag and stuff. Wondering what kind of world is the UK like? All I heard about the UK in
Oklahoma was that people here are WAY more fancier than us Okies.
I dig in my bag for my phone. Great Matthew texted me just what I needed. I text him back saying that I don't have feelings for him anymore. I felt bad for him all most.
                 •                •                  •
When my mom pulled over a taxi I finally started feeling butterflies in my stomach. I had not been nervous for this move at all. In fact I was excited. The only bad part about it was the part why we left Oklahoma. Once we where in the taxi I got out a pice of paper. I wrote down on it
Are you nervous?
I gave the note to my sister. She wrote something down then gave it back to me
Yes. But for high school reasons. You will be fine you are still in middle school! I can  do you hair and makeup for tomorrow (;
I smiled. My sister is a total goofball and a girly girl. I am a goofball and can be girly. I quickly wrote down
No thanks! (:
But before I could give Brooklyn back the peace of paper my mom yelled. "We're here!!" I look out side the window and saw a good size house. I look over at the neighbors house. I see a little girl and boy playing in the front yard. The little girl starts to wave. I wave back. She smiles and starts to giggle. "I love little kids maybe I can babysit her?" I think to myself. While we where unloading our luggage from the car the little girl comes over. "Hi!" She giggles. "Hi" I say. "I'm Tilly and over there in Leo!" She says while practically bouncing around and pointing to the little boy. "I'm Ella and I love your name Tilly". She starts to giggle and smile more. "I have to go but I will talk to you later. Ok?" I tell her. "Ok". "I am in love with that girl already" I think. I walk in to the house first. Empty. "Mom I though we were so post to have furniture here all ready?" Brooklyn ask mom. "Yes we were so post to but I had the wonderful idea of us 3 girls building all the furniture together! Like men do!" She announced happily. "Oh dear" me and Brooklyn say as we look at our mom

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