First Day Of School

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Ella's pov
I wake up and see Harvey's face in mine. "Not again!" I say to myself. Max, Harvey, and Ally start laughing. "You all were in on this to?" I say. "Well duh!" Ally says. "Whatever." I say. "Ella today is the first day of school." Max says. "Exactly why I said whatever." I tell him. They all start laughing again.
Abbys pov
"Do you have any class with the squad?" Ella asks me. "I have 2 class with you. 5 class with Danny. 2 class with Max, and Harvey. And 2 class with Ally." I tell Ella. "I have all class with Harvey." She tells me. I wink at her and she blushes. "3 class with Max. 1 class with Danny. 2 class with Lauren and Hailey. 3 class with Andrew. And 1 class with Dylan and Danny." Ella tells me. "You have at least one class with everyone! How are you so lucky?" I ask her. "I don't know. But we have to head to reading!" Elam says. She takes my arm and we run to reading.
                     Lauren's pov
"I'm going to do cross country!" I tell Dylan as we are walking to 3 hour. "That sounds like fun." He says. "Then you should do it to!" I tell him. "That's your and Hailey's thing!" He tells me. "How did you know Hailey is doing nothing it to?" I ask him. "She told Andrew. And Andrew told me." He tells me. "Then you both should join!" I tell him. "Lauren." He says. I start bating my eyelashes. "Fine, I will talk to Andrew about it." He tells me. "Yay! Now we have to head to class." I tell him.
Max's pov
"So how has everyone's first day of school been?" Harvey asks. "Good." We all say. "I'm sad that me Lauren, Hailey, and Ally don't have one class together thought." Abby says. They all pout and we all start to laugh. "It has been one year sense Ella and Harvey met." I say as I smile at Harvey. They both look at each other. "Aww!" The hole squad says. They both start blushing. "And in 2 weeks it will be there one year anniversary." Ally says. They turn an even brighter red. "Aww." We all say. Then the bell rings. "We got to go!" Ella says as she takes Harvey's arm. They start walking while laughing.
Harvey's pov
I look out the window. Ella taps my shoulder from behind me. I turn around and she points to the board. I turn back around and read it.

Need 2 student aides. Come talk to me if interested.

I turn back around and look at Ella. I give her my no! Look. Ella starts bashing her eyelashes. "Fine." I whisper to her. She grins and start doing a little dance. "Why would I want to become a maths teacher aide?" I think to myself. "Whatever." I think to myself. I turn back to the board.
Dylan's pov
"Has Lauren ever tricked you into doing something. And how she tricked you was being really cute?" Harvey asks me as we are waiting for 5 hour to start. "Yes, because Lauren's a girl. Every girl does it. In fact she tricked me today." I say as I close my locker. "Ella tricked me into be coming a student aide." Harvey tell me. I laugh a little and he gives me the death glare. "Hey at least you can spend more time with her." I tell him. "I do spend a lot of time with her." Harvey tells me as he shuts his locker. "Yeah but that is because you live with her. Think about this. You don't know her full past." I say. "Oh, yeah." Harvey says. The bell starts to ring and I grin and pat him on the back. "Now come on let's go!" I say to him. We start walking to 5th hour.
Andrews pov
"Did any of you forget that this is our last year of primary school?" Max asks me and Danny while we are looking through the library. "We don't know how the school works. Remember?" Danny tells him. "Hey look at this book!" I say holding up a book. "Already read it." Danny says. "Do not spoil it!" I say. I start to read the back.

Brought together by friends. 2 young kids will learn what it means to really be in love.

"Sounds like me and Hailey." I think to myself. "It is exactly like you and Hailey." Danny tells me. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I ask. "Yep." Max says. "What ever come on let's go." I say.
                     Hailey's pov
"I'm already sick of school." I tell Lauren. "Yeah I know you are. Do you know why mum made us have the exact same class?" Lauren asks. "Because she does that every year." I remind her. "Yeah, yeah, but she made me and Dylan have no class." She tells me. I roll my eyes and see the other girls walk up to us. "Hi!" Abby says. "Hey!" Me and Lauren say at the same time. Ella laughs a little. "What's so funny?" We say together again. Everyone start to laugh a little. "Stop it!" We both say. They all start laughing harder. "Max and Harvey do this to." We say. "Dang it!" We say. "This is why we hang out around twins." Ally says as Abby is trying to calm Ella down. Me and Lauren roll out eyes and start walking to 6th hour.
                    Danny's pov
"We should get crushed ice after school!" Andrew say to Harvey and me. "Can't." Harvey says. "Why not?" I ask him. "6 words, Ella tricked me into student aide." He tells us. We laugh skittle and pat him on the back. "Good luck to you!"  I say to him. "Why is everyone doing that?" Harvey asks him.  "Because once Ella starts to like it. She is going to make you do it every year with her." Andrew tells him. "What have I gotten myself into?" Harvey says. "Hey guys." Ella says as she walks up to us. "Hey Ella, we were just talking  about if we want to get crushed ice." I tell her. "If it's after school, then me and Harvey can't. But if we are going to skip 7th hour let's go!" Ella says. Harvey looks at her with a confused face. "Just kidding!" Ella says and walks over to the girls. Then the bell rings and the halls because empty. "Well come on let's go."
                   Harvey's pov
"Ha Lulu we are out of that death trap!" Ella says as we walk to the bus. "Ella it was the first day." I remind her. "Oh yeah, dang it." She says. We get in the bus and sit down in a seat together. "So you sure your fine with not being a student aide?" I ask her. "Yeah it's fine." She says. I look her in the eyes. "Ok I still kind of want to. But you don't want to so I'm fine with it." She says. I put my hand on her knee. "Thanks." I say. "Anything for you Harvey." She says and taps my nose. "You are to silly." I say. She laughs and opens her backpack. She pulls out my hoodie. She looks at me and we both smile.

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