The Plan. Part 1

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Harvey's pov
"Hey mum." I said as I came in to the kitchen Saturday morning. "Hi Harvey. What's the problem dear." My mom asks me. "So you know how I like Ella?" She nods her head yes. "Well I want to ask her out. I asked Max's advice and let's just say he is really strait forward to girls." I tell her. "Hey!" Max yells from the stair way. Mum started to laugh. "So you came to your old mum to help you out?" My mum said like she had read my mind. "Yes." I tell her. "Well I am going to make tea then we can sit on the couch and decided how to ask her out for you." She tolled me smiling. "And Max you are not allowed in the room when I am talking to Harvey." She tolled Max. "Yes mum." He said while rolling his eyes.
• • •
"Ok so tell me how you feel about Ella?" My mom asked me. "Well when I meet her two weeks ago I thought she was really funny,kind, and she understood me? But as I look't at her at school I realized how determined she can be. And really how pretty her hair and eyes are. And I found out about how she has dyslexia and she tolled me how it makes her great at math and reading but could not spell to save her life. And I picked up a book about Oklahoma so I could know more about were she was from and stuff. And when it was raining that day I found out that she can not lie very well." I smiled at the last part I said. "Have you done anything to show that you are kind. I instantly thought about the kiss. "Well yes. We have held hands a couple of time and I have put my arm around her. And the day I meet her I let her borrow my hoodie." I tell my mom. "Do you still have the hoodie?" My mom asked me. "Yes." I tell her. "I have a plan." She tells me with a grin on her face.
• • •
I picked up my phone. "First part of the plan." I think to myself. I text Ella.

Hey want to meet up at park? Just you and me Max has to babysit Tilly and Leo.

After a few minutes she texts back.

Sure love to! Don't know what park though so can you pick me up at my house in 5?

I texted her back 5 minutes later. (I don't want to look desperate)

Sure text me when you are ready!

I run down stairs. "Part one of 'the plan' is a go." I say to my mom. "Ok. You have everything you need right?" She asks me. "Yep." I tell her

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