Fights & Hospital

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                        Max's pov
Today is the last school day in Oklahoma. And I had some business to take care of before Sunday and Monday. I walk to third hour searching for him. I have been waiting for this moment sense I meet him. The day I would beat Matthew up. I did not tell anyone about my plan. I also wanted to do it in front of Ella and Harvey. I see him. I also see Ella and Harvey close to him. I walk up to him from behind. I tap him on the shoulder. "Hi Matthew." I say as I trow my fist at him. It hits him right in the mouth. He puts his hands up in a fighting form. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Everyone is yelling around us. I throw my fist back at him. He catches it then flips me over. I landed weirdly on my foot. Then everything went black.
                       Ella's pov
Me and Harvey run over to the unconscious Max. "Max! Max are you ok!" Harvey yells to him. He puts his ear to Max's heart. "He's still alive." Harvey says. "How could you have done this!" I yell to Matthew. His face is white with fear. "I'm... I'm sorry." He says. "Ella we have to pick Max up and take him to the infirmary." Harvey says. I look down at Max's foot. Swollen and purple. "Harvey his foot!" I yell. "Ok I will get his..." He looks at Max's foot while he was talking. "I will get his legs." Harvey tells me. I nod my head ok. I go over to Max's arms and head. I pick up his arms then his head. "Go!" I say to Harvey. He starts to walk backwards. A teacher stops up in the middle of the hall. "What happened to him?" She exclaimed with fright. "Someone tripped him by accident and he fell and landed on his foot badly and blacked out." I tell her. "Well lay him down here and wait for me I will go get the nurse." She says. Me and Harvey gently put him down. Harvey comes over to me then leans in close to Max. "It's going to be ok Max. Don't worry." He whispers to him. I put my hand on Harvey's shoulder. Then we both start crying. The nurse comes in a few minutes. "You kids can come and help if you like." She says to us. We follow her to the nurse's office. They take us to a back room that even I never knew about. "He has broken his leg and might be in a coma." The nurse tells us. "We are going to call your parents and get him to the hospital and you two will go with them." She tells us.
                    Harvey's pov
We walk into the hospital room. "We will wait for your parents." The doctor tells us. "Ok." I say as she leaves and shuts the door behind us. I walk over to my twin brother. Ella stands behind me still crying. "Max I'm sorry for what I made you do. I made you feel like you need to help. And now you are in a hospital bed and me and Ella are crying for you." I say to him. "And all I want right now is to you be awake and taking a picture of us." I finish. "Well where is my phone?" He asks with a grin. "Max!" Me and Ella yell as we hug him. "What happened? All I remember is not feeling my leg for a second and now I'm here." He says looking around. "Max you got in a fight with Matthew and being from union I am sorry to say but Matthew won." Ella says. "Wow kids in Oklahoma like fights." I said as I turned to Ella. "Yeah they do." She says. Our parents rush in then. "Max!" My parents yell as they run over to the bed Max is laying on. Ella's mum just walks up to Ella. "Hi mum and dad. I'm fine." Max says. "Yeah but if you look at your foot you won't." Ella says. Max slowly looks at his foot. "Holy shit!" He yelled. "I mean oh my gosh." He corrects himself. The doctor walks in. "Ah Max you are already awake." The doctor says as she pulls up a chair to Max's bed. "His leg is broken we will give him a boot and it should be better in a few weeks." She tells my parents. "Um we don't actually live here we are visiting. We live in England." My dad tells her because my mum is crying in to his shoulder. "Then we can contact a doctor in England for you." She says. "Thank you so much." I say for my mom. "All apart of my job." She tells me. I smile and she smiles back at me. Ella walks over to me and holds my hand and puts her head on my shoulder. "I'm tired." She says. "Take a nap." I say. "Can't contact." She tells me. "Well we will be here for a hour or two." I tell her. The doctor got up to leave. "Um excuse me doctor but do you have any contact solution and a holder?" I ask her. "Yes does she need some?" She says while looking at Ella. "Yes." I tell her. "Ok I will go get some." She walks out of the room. "Harvey I can stay awake I just need to find Matthew so I can beat him up." She tells me. I smile she is to funny. "No violence is what got us here." I tell her. The doctor comes back in the room with the solution and holder. "Ella bathroom come on." I tell her. "Uh! Fine." She says as she slowly walks to the bathroom. "Now do you want to take your contacts out or do you want me to do it?" I ask her. "You." She says. "Just make sure you wash your hands." She tells me. I quickly wash my hands and open the container. I put some of the solution in the holder. I turn to Ella. She opens her eyes wide. I put my finger on her contact and move it to the side. I pinch it and have it in my fingers already. "You are doing this like you have done it for years." Ella tells me. I laugh a little and start on the other eye. "Seriously ask my mom about when I had to learn how to do all this. And you will be laughing your head off!" She says happily. The second one is in my fingers already. "Ok done you can close you eyes again." She closes her eyes right when I say that. I pick her up and take her out of the bathroom. I put her down in a chair. "Strong Harvey." Max says from behind me. Then he takes another picture. My parents and Ella's mum starts to laugh. I turn around and start to laugh to.
                •                  •              •
I pick up Ella again. We are just now 3 hours later getting out of the hospital. "Need any help?" My dad asks me. "Nope. Even if I did I am the only person who gets to." I tell him. He smiles. "You are going to make a great husband Harvey." He tells me. "Thanks dad." I look back down at Ella sleeping. "She is so cute sleeping." I think to myself. I walk over to Max. "So you heard everything I said earlier didn't you?" I ask. "Yes. But it was not you who made me feel like that. It was myself and Matthew." He tells me. "I just feel like it was me." I tell him. "Well it wasn't so don't worry." He tells me. "Thanks little bro." I say. He smiles then I smile.

New longest chapter! And I wanted to say. I am going to split the whole book in to series. This one is going to be there middle school! 1335 words!

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