Miracles Can Happen

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Harvey's pov
It's been a few week since go karts. They are having second thoughts about her dying. But I have not have second thoughts. I have been waking up at 2 every morning asking Max to give me a reason to live. "Max please just tell me." I would say. "All of our fans love you. It would just be me. Not Max AND Harvey. Just Max. Do you want to do that to people?" He told me one time. But to day I am sure of it. I am going to die.
Max's pov
I throw my backpack down in me and Harvey's room. He has been waking me up every morning asking for a reason to live. I have kept him alive pretty much all this time. "I'm going to go use the bathroom." Harvey said. "Ok?" I say. He runs over to the bathroom. I follow just in case. "Ok Harvey you know this is the right thing to do." Harvey said. I knocked on the door. "Max I can't help!" He yelled. I ran in. He had a knife to his throat. I grabbed it. He started to cry. "I know I shouldn't but I want to." He says to me. "Harvey don't worry everything will be fine. Get ready and we will go visit Ella again." I tell him. He nods his head and gets up. "Thanks Max I don't know what I would do with out you." He says. "I don't know what I would do without you Harvey. I have your back and you have mine." I tell him. He smiles.
Harvey's pov
I run in to the hospital room. And see Ella. She had one less tube on today. That was good. "Hi Ella." I say. "I miss you. I come and see you everyday. I love you and can't wait for you to wake up. Everyone miss you at school. And I miss you the most. I wish I was in the bed right now. I would take dying if you are still alive." I say. "I really love you Ella." I start to walk away. Then I hear a cough. "Ella?" I ask. More coughs. Then she throws up blood. "Ella!?" I say again. "H-h-har-rvey?" She says. I run over to her. "Yes it's me. Ella its Harvey. Max is outside." I tell her. "We're am I?" She asks. "Do you remember go karts?" I ask her. She turns her head towards me. I look in to her eyes. I melt inside. "I think I do?" She says. "You got hit by one 3 weeks ago." I tell her. "I've been asleep for 3 weeks and you did not wake me?" She asks. I smile and she starts to smile. Max runs in. "Harvey time to........." He stops once he sees Ella. "Your alive!" He yells. He runs next to me. "Yeah. It's nice to see you Max." She says. Then she starts to throw up more blood coded vomit. "Max go get the doctor. And call mum and dad after." I tell him. He runs out of the room.
• • •
"Tell me Ella does this hut?" The doctor says while pushing on her stomach. She cringes in pain. "I wish that was me!" I think to myself again. "Yes!" Ella yells. "Ok last one." He touches her stitches on her forehead. "A little but not a lot." She tells him. "Ok." He turns to us. "She will have to stay in the hospital for at lest 2 more night. I will talk to her mum once she gets here." He tells us then leaves. "Ella you will be home in time for Christmas." I tell her. "How long have I been sleeping! I thought thanksgiving is tomorrow!" She yells. Me and Max crack up. She laughs a little to. "Are my contacts out?" She asks. "Yes." Max says. "Then I am going to bed." She said and closed her eyes. I watched her sleep. "Harvey stop watching me sleep." She finally said. I laughed and went and sat down next to Max.
~~3 days later~~
Max's pov
Harvey is back to normal. Ella is going home tomorrow. Ally is moving here in a week. And I was happy. "Max you ready?!" Harvey yelled to me. "You mean for sleep yes!" I yell to him. "I mean for tomorrow!" He yells to me. I laugh. "Yes daddy I am!" I yell to him. I start laughing harder. "Max I am going to kill you!" Harvey said. Then I felt a body on top of mine. "Got you Max!" Tilly yelled. "Shh Tilly. Harvey is trying to find me again." I whisper to her. Her mouth goes to a big O shape. She shakes her head ok then walks away. Then someone else tackles me. "Max you forgot that if you tell Tilly she tells everyone!" He yelled. I smack my head. Harvey laughs. "Come on let's go to bed." He tells me. "Finally!" I say and run to our room.
Harvey's pov
I walk in to Ella's hospital room. "Hi Ella." I say. "Hey Harvey. How many days till Christmas?" She asked me. "8 day till Christmas." I tell her. "Wow but I still have not gotten anyone anything." She tells me. "We can go shopping tomorrow." I tell her. "But what about when I find what I want to get you?" She asks me. "Then tell me to step out of the store so you can buy it." I say to her. "Ok." She says. "Ready to go?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says. "Ok. Here give me your hands." I say to her. She puts her hands out. There cracked and dry. I take them and help her out of the bed. She leans on my shoulder and starts to walk a little. "Ready?" I ask. She nods her head. I step away from her. She starts to walk towards me. "Good job Ella. You can do it!" I encourage her. She smiles and starts to walk faster. She grabs my arm. Then looks up at me and smiles. "Thanks Harvey." She said. "Welcome. Ready to do it again?" I ask her. "Ready as I will ever be."

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