Getting Ready

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                      ~ Friday ~
                      Ella's pov
I swing my door open and run up stairs to my room. I lay out everything for the dance tonight on my bed. I run back down stairs to my mum's room. "Mum! I am going to get in the shower and then do a face mask!" I say to her. "Ok and after that we will do your hair. Then you can get your dress on and we will do makeup." Mum tells me. "Ok." I yell to her as I am running down the hall. "Tonight is going to be magical." I think to myself. "Cookie come here!" I yell to my new dog. Cookie comes trotting in. "You are going to go over to Dugs house tonight." I tell her. She barks and her tail starts to wag. I pick her up and put her on my desk chair. "Wait here while I get ready. Ok?" I tell her. I run to my bathroom and jump in the shower.
                 Harvey's pov
I run into my house the same time as Ella. I run upstairs to me and Maxs room. And then remembered that Max is out side with no key. I run back down stairs and open the door then run back up. I hear Max's foot steps behind me. "I call shower first!" I yell to him. "No fair!" He yell back to me. I quickly get in the shower and get out. I get dressed in the bathroom and go back to mine and Maxs room. Max runs from out of the room to the bathroom.
                        Ella's pov
I jump out of the shower. I put a robe on and go down stairs and grab the face masks. Brooklyn is getting ready for the high school dance at her friends house. So that means I can take as long as I want in the bathroom. I run back up the stairs and put the face mask on. I decide to make a account. I type in ellaofficial. I make a password and put it in. The username is taken so I do ellaofficial15 instead. (That is my real!)  That one works. I decided to follow Max and Harvey first. They are at 999.99k I follow them and it turns to 1m. "Oh my god!" I accident yell. "Ella what is it!" My mum yells to me when she opens the door. "Max and Harvey just got to 1 million fans!" I say to her. "That's so cool!" Mum says. My phone timer goes off. I wash the mask off. "Let's do your hair now." Mum tells me
                      Max's pov
I run back to me and Harvey's room. He runs out and goes back to the bathroom. I grab my phone and walk back to the bathroom. Harvey is combing his hair. I start to comb through my hair. "I wonder how girls get ready?" I ask him. "Who knows." He says to me. I hear both of our phones beep. The beeping gets faster. We pick up our phones and see people tagging us on Instagram. And Madie and Hailey tagged us on I open my phone and go to I check our profile. "We have 1 million fans!" Me and Harvey yell at the same time. "Who was the millionth follow?" I ask. "Someone named Ellaofficial15." Harvey say. We both look at each other.  "Ella?" We say at the same time again. "Gosh I hate when we do that." We say together again. "Stop!" We yell. "No you stop." We say. "Uh!" We both grunt.
                      Ella's pov
"Hair is all done!" Mum says. I look in the mirror. My hair is super wavey but at the same time straight. "Thank you so much mum!" I tell her and then hug her. I run to my room and slip my dress on. I turn to my full length mirror. I check if I tide the bow right then run back to the bathroom. "Ella you look so cute!" My mum says when I get to the bathroom. "Thank you mum." I say. "Now time for makeup!"
                   Harvey's pov
"Should we make a video before we go saying thanks for 1 mill?" Max asks me. "Yeah. We can do it right now then post on Instagram." I tell him. "Wait let's finish getting ready first." He says. I look in the mirror and realize that we both don't have ties on. "Oh." I say. I grab my blue and white tie. Because Ella asked me to get one with blue and white. Max grabs his black and white tie. We both try to tie it on our own. Then I tie Max's and he try's to tie mine. "I will just get dad." I say. I run out of the bathroom and go downstairs. "Dad can you tie my tie?" I ask him once I see him. "Sure here." He says. I come over to him. Mum comes in. We both look at her. "Father son moment got it." She said and left. Me and dad laugh. He finishes tieing it. "Thanks." I say. "Harvey go get Max then you two come back down here." Dad tells me. I run up the stairs. "Max dad wants us." I say to him. We both run down the stairs. We walk over to our dad. "Boys tonight is your first dance. I wanted to give you these." He hands us shoe boxes. We open them and see black socks and black shoes. "Thanks dad." We say. "And I wanted to tell you. I love you and I am both very proud of you two on how much of you boys act like gentleman." He tell us. We all hug.
                          Ella's pov
I run back to my room. I throw on my gloves, mask, and shoes on. This is everything she is wearing.

 This is everything she is wearing

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"Ella I need to take a picture of you!" My mum yells

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"Ella I need to take a picture of you!" My mum yells. "Ok!" I yell back to her. I walk downstairs and my mum starts to cry. "Look at you. You are all grown up." She says. I smile. "I want to give you this. She gives me a turquoise bracelet and a turquoise ring. "I got that ring for my 12th birthday. And I want you to have it." She says. I slip the ring and bracelet on. "Thank you mum!" I say and hug her. The door opens and Brooklyn comes in dressed up. "I wanted to stop by to see Ella before I go." She tells us. "Let me get a picture of you two." Mum says. We get on the stairs and pose for the picture. Mum takes one of us together and two separate. "Bye guys. Good luck Ella." Brooklyn says and leaves. "You ready to go?" Mum asks me. "Ready as I will ever be."

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