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                    Harvey's pov
Me and Ella walk in to the mall. I have my arm around her. "Where first?" I ask her. "Umm I don't know." She says. "Well let's look around then." I say to her. We start walking around the mall. "Oh we should both get Max a hat in that store." She says. She is pointless to a hat store. "Ok let's go in." I say to her. We walk in and is greeted by a man. "Hi there. Looking for anything specific." He asks us. "Any blue hats?" I ask. "Sure over here." He says. We walk with him to a big rack with a lot of blue hats. We start to look. "Look at this one Harvey." Ella said. She is holding a hat that is a SnapBack and has red for the bill. And blue is everywhere else. "I know that he will love that one." I tell her. She smiles. "I will help you look for one for you to give to him." She says. "Actually I think I am going to get him this one." I said pull out a hat that is all blue. She starts at it blankly. "I am going to put million dollar Max in black on the front." I tell her. "Oh. Ok I thought you were going to leave it like that." She said to me. I laugh and go to the cash register.
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"I know what I want to get Brooklyn." Ella told me. "What is that?" I ask her. "I want to give her a scrapbook. Because she is getting into photography." She tells me. "Ok. We can ask someone if they know a store that sells scrapbooks." I tell her. "No look at that store it sell them." She says. I look over and see a sign that says

                 The scrapbook

"It looks promising. Let's go." We walk in the store. And is greeted by a friendly looking lady. "Hello! Welcome to the scrapbook! I'm Amy." She tells us. "Hi. I am wondering. Do you have any scrapbooks that look kind of like a teenage girl would have?" Ella asked her. "Oh yes come and follow me." She tells us. We walk over to a medium sized shelf. "Thank you. And one more thing what is your highest price?" Ella asks her. "20£." She tells her. "Thanks." Ella starts to look at them. She pulls one out that reads. Live,love,hope. "This is the one." She tells me. "Ok well let's go checkout." I tell her. "Harvey? Ella?" Max asked from behind us. "Hey Max. We are getting Brooklyn's Christmas gift." I tell him. "Oh I was just going to look around. You guys can leave with out me though." He tells us. "Ok." Ella says. She pays for the scrapbook and we leave the store. "I think I know what we should get Tilly." I say. "What?" Ella asks. I point to build-a-bear workshop. "Tilly love bae too!" Ella yells. I laugh. Ella starts to run towards the store. "You can get her Elsa and I will get her Anna!" She yells. She hands the stuff less bears to me. "Ok." She is already at the stuffing machine. I walk over to her. "This bear is for a girl named Tilly." She tells the lady working there. "Is Tilly your little sister?" She asked her. "Not mine but his." She says pointing to me. "We are Christmas shopping for our family together." I tell her. "Oh I see." She say. "Ok go ahead and step on the pedal." Ella steps on the petal and Anna starts to look normal. She takes her foot off. I repeat what she did. "Thank you." I say for both of us because Ella is already gone. We pick out the clothes and go to check out. "I love this store." Ella says to me for the tenth time. I laugh again. "Here you too are." The man says to us. "Thank you." I say to him. We walk out of the store. "We should go to Clair's to get Tilly a little necklace." I say to Ella. "Tilly is my girl! We have the same favorite store!" Ella yells. We both laugh. We walk into Clair's. I immediately see what I want to get Ella. She walked over to the kids necklaces. "Look what I found!" She said carry a necklace that looked like this.

"Tilly will love that!" I tell her

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"Tilly will love that!" I tell her. "She smiles at what she has found and starts to look around. I go over to the mug and pick on out for my mum. It looks like this.

"Ella look what I found for my mum!" I tell Ella

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"Ella look what I found for my mum!" I tell Ella. She runs over to me. "That is perfect for you mom." She says. I smile and go to the register. I check out and wait for Ella to finish looking around. "Ready?" I ask her. "Yes." She says with a sad look on her face. "Don't worry we can come back after Christmas." I tell her. "Ok." She says. "Let's go to bath and body works for our mom's." She tells me. "Ok." We walk into the store. Ella gets a basket. She puts in little bottles of crystals in the basket. Then goes over to the perfume and put 4 in the basket. She runs back over to me. "Does you mom like candles?" She asks me. "Yes she loves them." I tell her. She nods her head and goes over to the candles. She puts 3 in the basket. She runs back over to me. "Done." She says. I look in the basket. I see 4 bottles of the crystals,4 perfume bottles, and 3 candles. "2 bottles of body scrubs for each of our moms. 2 bottles of perfume for each of our moms. And 1 cancel for my mom and 2 for yours." She tells me. "Ok." I tell her. "And I am paying for all of it and you can not change my mind." She says before she turns to the register. I roll my eyes and walk up to her. "Thank you come again." The lady says to her. She turns around and grabs my hand. We walk out of the store. "What do we have left?" Ella asks me. "Leo's ,my dad's,I need to get Brooklyn something, and each other's." I tell her. "Let's get Leo a book. And maybe your dad would like a book. And Brooklyn will be fine with bath bombs and fluffy socks." She tells me. "Ok well let's go to that store." I tell her. We walk over to a store filled in the front window with pink. We walk in. Ella grabs a basket and puts 3 pairs of socks, and 4 packets of 6 tiny balls in. "Here. You get to pay this time." She says to me. I go over to a cash register. "Is this all for you girlfriend?" The lady says looking at Ella. "Sorta. It is for her sister." I tell her. "Well here you are." She says handing a bag to me. "Thank you." I say to her. I walk over to Ella and we walk out. I see the book store from across the mall. We walk over there. I walk in and already see what Leo would love. "Harry potter is Leo's favorite. We should get it together." I tell Ella. She walks over and picks up the book series. "What kind of books does your dad like?" She questioned. "Mysteries." I tell her. We walk over to were the mystery book are. "This one looks good." Ella says holding up a book that reads. One for the money. "Yeah he would love that." I say while reading the blurb. I give it back to Ella. I pick out Angels and Demons. "I will get him this one." I tell her. We walk over to the register. "Are you too boy friend and girlfriend?" The lady asks us. "You are the first person to notice." Ella says to her. "It's a gift." She tell us. We laugh. "Harvey." I say sticking out my hand for a hand shake. "Pearl." She says. "And I'm Ella." Ella says beside me. "I love that name." Pearl tells her. "Thank you I love your name to." Ella tells her. "Well here is your book. Ella and Harvey." She says. "Thank you." Ella says to her. "You ready to go home and get ready?" I ask her. "Yep."

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