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The picture on the top is just for fun😂
Because in the store Harvey is always coming up with plans.

Harvey's pov
Me and Ella jump off the school bus. We start to run. "I'm so excited!" Ella says to me. "Me to!" I say to her. We speed up. I open my house door and run in Ella is behind me. "Mum! It is time?" I ask runing to her. "Yes." She says. I look over and see Ella's mum. "Well let's go!" Ella says. Me and Ella run to the car. "You guys are acting like the world is ending with all this running." Ella's mum tells us. "We are just really excited." Ella says. Mum starts the car. "Wait are we so post to go tomorrow?" Mum asks. "Just go!" Me and Ella yell. Mum and Ella's mum laugh.
Ella's pov
We walk into the store and is great by a very friendly man. "Hi I am tom. Are you looking for adoption today?" He asks. "We actually are here for pick up." Mum says. "Well follow me and we will find your dogs." He tells us. We follow him over to a desk. "Names please?" He asks. "Melinda Johnson." Mum says. "And Sara Mills." Mis.Mills says. "Ah the buyers of Cookie and Dug. Right this way." He tells us. We follow him pasts cages of dogs. "Here the two are." He says. He points to a cage. Me and Harvey turn to see the cutest white dogs. I could tell which one was which because Cookie has a turquoise bow on. "They are neutered and fixed." Tom says. "Can we take them out of the cage?" I ask him. "You sure can." He says. I open the cage to the dogs. Cookie runs to me like she already knows I am taking her home. Harvey picks up Dug from the cage. We stand up from the floor. "Let us take a picture." Mum says. Me and Harvey do a side hug with the dogs in our hands. Our mums take a picture. "You brought money right?" Harvey asks me. "You bet."
Harvey's pov
We walk out of the room that has the cages. We go over to the toys. Ella picks up a pink and white pock a dots. She shows it to Cookie. Cookie rips it out of her hands. Ella laughs and takes it out of Cookie's mouth. "What was that?" I ask Ella. "Oh I have been wanting a dog for years. So I did some research and that is the best way to find a toy that they like." Ella tells me. "Oh. Can you help me?" I ask. "Sure. Pick something out from the shelf." She tells me. I pick out a maroon color bone. I give it to Ella. She puts it to were Dug could get it. He snatches it out of her hand. "Perfect." Ella says smiling at me. I smile back at her. "Let's go get leashes and collars." Ella says. We walk over to a shelf with them on it. Ella picks out a pink, turquoise, and white poke a dotted collar and leash. I pick out music notes. "I want to get clothes for Cookie." Ella says. We walk over to a rack with dog clothes on it. She picks out a light blue hoodie like shirt that has a Cookie on it. She walks over to me and shows it to me. We both laugh. "Are you going to get a bed bed for Dug?" Ella asks me. "Yeah let's get them here." I say. We walk over to the beds. I pick out a red and white fluffy bed. Ella picks out a bed that matches the collar and leash she is getting."We need to go get tags now." I say. We walk over to the tag machine. Ella picks out a pink bone. I pick out a red bone. "Ready to check out?" I ask Ella. "Yeah." She says.
                       Ella's pov
We head to the car. I sit down and put Cookie down on my lap. Harvey does the same with Dug. We pull out from the parking lot. I roll down my window to see if Cookie likes that. Cookie jumps out of my lap and goes to the halfway open window. Dug jumps over to my seat and goes to my window. Harvey looks at the dogs and we both laugh. The song tears came on. Harvey started singing and dancing to it. I joined in. After tears when't off shut up and dance came on. We both sang and danced our hearts out. We laughed once that song was done. We did at least 10 songs before we were home. "Maybe you can sleepover tonight. It is Friday." Harvey whisper into my ear. "Maybe let's ask." I say to him. We get out of the car and go to our mum's. "Mum can Ella sleepover?" Harvey asks. "If it is ok with Melinda." Mis.Mills tell us. "Mum can I stay the night?" I ask my mum. "Sure. If you want I will take Cookie home." Mum tells me. "No I will bring Cookie." I tell her. I run back over to Harvey with Cookie in my hand. "My mom said yes." I say. We grab all of our stuff for the dogs and run inside.
Harvey's pov
"Ella can you show me your outfit for the dance?" I ask Ella as she puts Cookie's collar on her. "Can't it is a surprise." She tells me. I roll my eyes. Ella picks up her phone. "OMG!" She yells. "Ella what?" I ask. "One of my best friends is moving here!" She squeals. "Ok." I say. "You know the locket that I always wear?" She question me. "Yeah the pairs heart one?" I ask her. "Yeah. She got that for me when I told her I was moving here." She tells me. "That's cool." I tell her. "And you know the house that is next door to me that was for sale?" Ella ask me. "Yeah." I tell her. "She is moving there!" She yells. "Who is she?" Max asks coming in the room. "Ella's friend from Oklahoma is moving here." I tell him. "And I can not wait!" She squeals. "Don't forget us when she moves here." Max tells her. "I won't." Ella says to us. Dug trots over to me and I pick him up. "Is that Dug?" Max asks. "Yep." I tell him. "Has he meet Pippa?" Max asks me. "Not yet." I say. "Well let's go down stairs and let them met." Max says. Ella picks up Cookie and we walk downstairs. "Pippa!" Max yells in the backyard. Pippa runs up to us. I gently put Dug down. Ella puts Cookie down. Pippa sniffs them. Cookie sits down on Pippa paws. Dug keeps on trying to nibble on her ears. Me Max and Ella laugh watching the cuteness.

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