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Ella's pov
It was the day before thanksgiving. Me Max and Harvey were planing to do go karts. I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Who is it?" I yell from my bed. "It's Max." "And Harvey." They say in Australian accents. I laugh. "Well Max and Harvey." I say in a accent playing along. "Ella is tired." I say to them. "Well Max." "And Harvey." "Want to go do go karts." They say. Then I hear my door open. I feel hands on my sides. "Harvey!" I yell still in my accent. "What is it buckaroo?" He says. Max laughs from behind him. "Well this buckaroo wants to sleep." I say. "Well to bad." Max says. He starts to tickle me. "Fine I-I will get r-ready." I say. Harvey puts me back down on my feet.
            •                    •                 •
We walk over to our go karts. Harvey was going to drive me. And Max is riding solo. "Ready?" Harvey asks me. "I still don't see why you get to drive?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes. "You can drive next time." He tells me. "Fine."

Who would have know there will be no next time. Sorry don't even pay attention to this😂

I say and roll my eyes. "On your mark." Harvey grips the wheel. "I have a feeling this is going to be fun." I think to myself. "Yep it is." Harvey says. I blush from embarrassment. "Get set.... Go!" Harvey takes off. I am screaming and laughing. He is to. We cut in front of Max. "Bye sucker!" I yell from in front. I hear his laugh. I see that there are no more cars in front of us. Then I realize that we are in first on the last lap. "We're on the last lap right?" I yell to Harvey. "Yeah." He yells back to me. We cross the finish line. "Ok young lady you can get out." The man say. I step out then see a teenager in a go kart coming straight at me. "Ella!" Max yelled. Then everything when't black.
                     Max's pov
I tried to tell to her to make her get out of the way. But I was to late the teenager hit her. Harvey did not know for a few seconds. But when he did. I will always remember his face. "Ella?!" He yelled but was confused. I stopped my car and got out. I did not care if people were behind me. One of my best friends were hurt. I run over to Harvey and Ella. "Ella say something." I say once I get there. "Max she need to get to the hospital now!" Harvey tells. I saw a tear on his cheek. "Harvey I will call." I say. The man who was working there finally notice. "No I will call stay with her." He tells us. Harvey nods his head.
                      Harvey's pov
I look at Ella. She is covered in blood. One of her arms are cut. Her forehead is bleeding the most. Her legs look like hell. "Ella please stay with me." I say. Her eyes are still open. And she is still smiling. Her once pink lips have turned bright red with blood. I can't help but cry a little. The man came back. "A ambulance is its way. Call your parents and hers." He tells us. "Thank you sir we will." Max answer for me. Because for some weird reason I can't speak. The man walk away again. Max comes closer to me and gives me a hug. "Don't worry Harvey. Everything is going to be fine." He tells me. That's when I lose it. I start balling my eyes out. I turn to him and hug him back. "I am going to go call our parents and hers." He tells me. "Ok." I choke back to him. He pulls away from the hug and walks away. I look back at Ella. I look at her arm. Now it is bleeding bad. So bad I need to cover the cut. I take off my left shoe and sock. I wrap my sock over the cut. And tie it. "There you go." I say to her. Max comes back. "Mum and dad are going to meet us there. And Ella's mum and Brooklyn." He tells me. "Thanks Max." I say. He smiles and walks over to me and Ella. "Everything is going to be alright." I tell her.
• • •
"Max can you give me and Ella some alone time?" I ask Max once we have a room in the hospital. "Sure thing bro." He says and walks out. I turn to Ella. "Ella I love you. The day that I saw you something told me. 'Go talk to her. You won't regret it.' That's why I talked to you. The first word that was out of your mouth I knew that I was in love. And when I found out about Matthew. I cryed myself to sleep that night. I didn't want anyone taking you from me. And now we are hear. Waiting for you to wake up. And for our parents. I've cried today more than I have in my entire life. And I love you Ella. I know we have a future together I can see it." I told her. Our parents came running in. Ella's mum started to cry. I went over to her and hugged her. I started to cry with her. "Don't worry." I told her. "God has her." "Thanks Harvey." She said. She walked over to Ella. She started at her. "I love you Ella." She said and placed a kiss on her forehead. The doctor came in. "I need the parents of Ella please." He told us. "Her father is not here right now but I am." Her mum said. They walked out of the room. Max came back in to. "Boys we are so glad you are safe." Our mum told us. "And you helped a lot." Our Dad said. "Thanks." Me and Max said at the same time. Ella's mum came back in crying harder. "Y-you can-n t-tell them." She said to the doctor. "Ok." He said. He turned to us. "Ella might not wake up." He said. I froze. "Harvey? Harvey are you ok?" Max asked me. I fell to the ground. "Harvey?!" Max yelled. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet. "Why? Why lord! I trusted in you and you left me here." I yell to the sky. I start to cry. Not any cry but hard crying. My mum came in after a few minutes. "Harvey?" She asked. "Yes." I say. "Come here and give me a hug." She said. I get up from the toilet and run to her. "Mum she is going to die." I say to her. "Harvey everything is going to be alright trust me." She said while coming through my hair. "Why wasn't me? I should be dying not her. The world dose not even need me." I say to her. "Harvey look at me." She said. I looked up at her. "Don't ever and I mean ever say that again! Got it?" She asked. I nodded my head. "I love you mum." I told her. "I love you to."

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