Truth Or Dare?

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Ella's pov
"Do you guys want to go swimming or play truth or dare after dinner?" Max ask. "I think we should play truth or dare!" I said excitingly. "Truth or dare sounds nice." Harvey says. "Ella,Harvey,Max time to eat!"
• • •
"Ok" I say in Max and Harvey's room. "I will go first. Truth or dare Max?" "Truth." "Ok do you have a crush?" "Nope I'm single pringle and ready to mingle!" He says as he does a dance. "Ok Harvey truth or dare?" "Truth." "Ok.... Um...... Is it true that you have... Held a girls hand before?" I blushed and he blushed. "Yes I have." He said as calmly as he could. "Ella truth or dare?" "Um.. Truth." "Do you really need glass to see?" "Yep -225 is my prescription!" I said as happy as I could "Max truth or dare?" "Truth again." "Have you ever kiss a girl before?" "Yes it was a few years back. Harvey truth or dare?" "Dare." He said with his game face on. "Ok. I dare you to KISS Ella!" "What?!" Me and Harvey shout. "Yep do it or else I get to pinch you!" He said as he got his fingers in a pinching form. "Ella I'm sorry but his pinches really hurt." I look't at him then at Max. "It's fine." I say trying not to blush. He goes and sits right beside me. I turn to him. He starts to lean forward. "This is my first kiss." I think to my self. Then I just closed my eyes and started to move closer to him. I felt our lips touch. The electricity felling was back again. I still love it
Harvey's pov
"Ok. I dare you to KISS Ella!" "What?!" Me and Ella said together. "Yep do it or else I get to pinch you!" He tolled me as he got his fingers in a pinching form. "He pinches really hut!" I thought to myself. "I'm sorry Ella but his pinches really hurt." She looks at me for a second then looks back at Max. "It's fine." She says as her cheeks turn a light pink. I go over and sit by her. She turns to face me. I close my eyes and lean in. I soon feel her lips on mine and they feel really soft. I had the same feeling when we kiss from when I touched her hand. I still love it.
Max's pov
I knew Harvey would do it if I got to pinch him if he didn't. You could see the passionate in the kiss from were I was siting. I hope she will get to know him better soon they make the most cutest couple.
Ella's pov
"I think i know him well enough now to date him. I am going to tell Max later so he can tell Harvey. Because I think Harvey would like to ask me out."

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