They find out

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                        Ella's pov
As soon as I step off the bus. It starts to pour. And being from Oklahoma this kind of rain only happens one in a life time. I keep walking though trying to pretend that there is no rain. But Harvey soon looks at me. He puts down his bag and gets a hoodie out. "Here!" He says as he takes my bag off my shoulder and slips the hoodie over my uniform. "Thanks." I quickly tell him. I felt safe in his hoodie like nothing could hurt me."We don't have a lot of rain in Oklahoma sense it is one of the most driest stats in the US." "Yeah I know I pick up a book at the library so I could make you feel a little more comfortable." He tolled me as his hazel eyes stared in to my hazel eyes. "Thanks that's really nice." I said trying not to blush.
• • •
Once I walk in the house I heard my mom playing her favorite song
Thinking out loud
I started dancing and sing to it as well. "Oh Ella your home!" She said as she ran to me and gave me a hug. "So how was the first day?" She question excitedly. "Good I meet to girls named Hailey and Lauren. They have every common core class together and we all have math and science together. And did you know that math here is called maths?" "I think I heard something about that but.... Do you already have a boyfriend?" She ask me smiling from ear to ear. I look down at my close and realize I still have Harvey hoodie on. "Oh no this is our neighbors hoodie he let me borrow it because I am not use to a lot of rain." I say as I feel color run to my cheeks. "Well then let's go over there you can give the hoodie and we can invite them over for dinner!" "Ok I will go tell Brooklyn."
• • •
I knock on the door. I hear foot steps then saw Max's smiling face open the door. "Hi Ella!" He tolled me. "Harvey is upstairs if you want to talk to him." He gave me a little wink. "Thanks"
"Um excuse me..." My mom said "Max" he said while sticking out his hand. My mom gracefully shook it. "Ok Max can you please tell me where your parents are?" "Sure actually I will go get them." Then he took off running down the hall. I took off for the stairs but had no idea were I was going. Harvey soon came out of his room. "Hey Ella what are you doing here?" He ask. "Oh um... I came to give you your hoodie back" I said as I wish he would let me have it. "Oh Ella you can have it!" He said as color rush to his cheeks. "Really! Thanks!" I put it close to my heart witch was beating really fast. "Is your dad here?" Harvey ask. That's when I froze. "I haven't tolled any one yet" I thought to myself. "Um.... No he is back in... Oklahoma." I say. "Oh I'm sorry! I should have not ask." He says very sweetly. "Ask what?" Max asked from behind me. "I will tell you later." Harvey snapped at him but turn to me and gave me a comforting smile.

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