& younow?

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                         Ella's pov
As soon as we got to there house we when't to there back yard. "Ok Ella we are going to do a then we will show you how to do one" Harvey tolled me. "Ok." I saw as Max got out his phone and pulled up an app. They both decided on doing a dance. They did lean & dab. I noticed the music to the song sounded slow. And Harvey and Max did a whole bunch of funny faces witch made me laugh. They stopped dancing a few seconds after they started. "Why did the music stop?" I ask them. "A is 15 seconds long so the song stops when the 15 seconds are done." Max tells me. "We should do a love one because you tw...." Max started to say but Harvey shook his head no. "Oh." Max said looking awkwardly. "I'm fine with a love song." I tell them. "I mean if that is what you want to do?" "Ok" Harvey said as he pick a song
                    •             •              •
"Ok now we have to do a younow." Max tells me. "Yeah this part is really fun about being famous!" Havre tells me. "I know I sound really lame but what is a younow?" "A younow is basically like YouTube except you are live. We do them every weekend." Harvey tells me. "That does sound fun!" "Ok get in for the picture!" I stuck my tongue out and smiled. Harvey dos the same as me and Max made his eyes go real big. The picture was hilarious and I all ready felt excited. "Can any one hear us?" Max asked the camera. "Yep ok! Let's get started!" Max yelled. "I'm Max! And this is Harvey. We are twins who originated from!" "And this is our dear friend Ella!" Harvey yelled to the camera as well. "Are they going insane?" I thought to myself. "Hi!" I said to the camera. "Ella look up there and you can see there comments." Harvey tolled me. I look't at the screen he was pointing to. I saw comments like
Are you and Ella dating?
If that is your girlfriend?
Is she and Harvey dating cause they are siting really close to each other?
After the last one there were some really nice ones
Omg she is so pretty (:
She is so cute (;
I always thought I was ugly so this was nice to hear from other people. "Ok if you guys have any questions for Ella you can ask her some!" Max said to the people. There was a hole bunch of questions like
Are you dating one of them?
Can you say hi Emily?
How do you know Max and Harvey?
But only one caught my eye. "Some people are asking me if I wear makeup and the truth is no I don't." Harvey look't at me with big eyes. "I though you wear makeup?" Harvey asked me. "Nope! That's why Monday I was ahead of my sister so she could not do my makeup. I am wearing some today but that is because my mom made me." "Ok well I think it's time to do a song!" Max says.

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