Christmas Part 2

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Tilly's pov
I grab Ella's present. It is my favorite present that I am giving to anyone. And I really hope she likes it. I run to Max and Harvey's room. "Harvey! Harvey! Look what I am giving Ella!" I yell. He looks at the present. "Oh Ella is going to love that! Let's wrap it!" He says to me. "Ok!"
Ella's pov
"Mom what about my nutcracker?" I yell to my mom. "Oh sorry I forgot it!" She yells to me. I roll my eyes and finish my hair. "Ella! Can I try my new makeup on you?" Brooklyn yells to me. "Sure just not to much." I say as she comes to my bathroom door. "Thanks!"
Harvey's pov
"There you go Tilly!" I say. "Thank you so much Harvey!" She yells as she runs out of the room. I grab the present that I am giving Ella. I put a bow on it. Max walks in. "Hey you almost ready?" He asks. "Yes. Can you help me take some of the presents downstairs?" I ask him. "Sure. Let me get my presents." He runs to the closet. He walks out with 6 presents. "Max we were supposed to get 8." I tell him. "Yeah I am saving yours and Ella's for last." He tells me. I grab all the present for everyone. "Let's go."
Brooklyn's pov
"Done!" I say. I turn Ella to the mirror. "Wow this does look good." She says. I smile with happiness. "Wait one more thing." I say. I take a light pink lipgloss and put it on her. "Ok now I really am done." I say to her. "Thank you Brooklyn!" She says and runs out of the room. "Wait!" I say as I grab her arm. "Let's take a selfie." I say. She smiles with happiness. I grab my phone. "Say cheese!" I yell. "Cheese!" We say in unison. I take the photo. "Now a silly one." Ella says. "Ok!" I say. Ella is sticking her tongue out and closing a eye. I am smiling and Ella is doing bunny ears to me. I take the picture. We look at it and laugh.
Leo's pov
I run from my room with all the presents. The first one downstairs gets breakfast first. I see Tilly already at the table eating. "Tilly!" I yell. She turns to me and smiles. "You can put the presents over there." She says as she points to were a load of presents are stacked. "Were is Max and Harvey?" I ask her. "I think they are still getting ready." She says as I walk over to her. "Well let's eat!"
Max's pov
"Harvey how many times are you going to comb your hair!" I yell to him. "As many as I want!" He yells to me. I roll my eyes. "Just hurry up I have to use the bathroom!" I yell to him. "Yeah, yeah I know. Hey what are you getting Ella?" He asks me. "Can't tell." I say to him. I open the door not caring about his hair privacy. "Max!" He yells. "I don't really care!" I yell to him. He rolls his eyes and starts to comb his hair again.

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