Camp Day 1

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                     ~2 weeks later~
                        Ella's pov
I walk to the kitchen and see my mum standing there in her phone. "Good morning Ella! Is everyone else up?" She asks me. I shake my head no and grab a plate that is full with eggs, sausage, and pancakes. I start eating and see Ally walk in. "Morning." I say. "Morning." She says and sits down with me and eats off her plate. Harvey walks in next. He sits down with us and starts to eat. Max started coming in but almost fell. We all laughed a little then continue with eating. Me and Ally finish first. We walk to our room and start getting ready. I throw on.

But I change my sunglasses to heat shaped ones, and leave the purse home

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But I change my sunglasses to heat shaped ones, and leave the purse home. And the shoes to sandals. I grab my suitcase and roll it outside to the car. I throw my suitcase in the trunk. "You excited?" Harvey asks from behind me. I scream out of fright. We both start laughing. "Yeah. I am really excited." I say. "Me to." Harvey says. He rolls his suitcase to the trunk and throws it in the trunk. We get in the car and decided to make a on my account. We finish the and look at it. We smile with happiness.
Harvey's pov
We climb in the buss and find seats. Me and Ella are sitting together. Ally, Max, and Hailey (not England Hailey) are sitting in the 3 seat beside us. The bus takes off and we all yell with delight. "We should make another" I say. Ella nods her head. I grab my phone from my backpack and Ella takes her sunglasses off and puts them in her backpack. We lip sync to ribtide and post it. After about 20 minutes the trip started getting boring. "How long is the ride again?" I ask Ella. "About 3 hours but it goes by fast." Ella tells me. "Here listen to songs with me." Ella says. She hands me one of her ear buds and we start singing and dancing to the music.
~2 and a half hours later~
Welcome to oak ridge! A sing reads while we are pulling up to the camp. Ella puts her phone up and takes her sunglasses out. We walk off the bus the girls and boys get separated and we start heading to our dorms. Me and Max carry out suitcase up to the big building. "We are in 7." I say. Max nods his head. We find our dorm and walk in to it. We see Matthew standing there with another boy. "Oh cool we are in the same bunk." Matthew says. "Yeah. Me and Harvey will have this bunch bed." Max says pointing to the bed that is closest to the door. "Ok we will have this bed." The other boy says he points to the other bunk bed. "I'm sorry but what is your name?" I ask the boy. "Oh Eli." He says. He puts his hand out for a hand shake. I shake it friendly and roll my suitcase into the room. I open my suitcase and get my sheets and make my bed on the top. Max makes his. We look over at Matthew and Eli. They are still standing and talking. I roll my eyes and walk out of the room. I walk over to Grant. "Hey Grant I wanted to know. We we allowed to go look around right now?" I ask him. "Oh yeah sure. Just 2 people in a group." He says. "Ok thanks." I say. I start to open the door to our room but Max opens it and comes out. "Let's go get Will and go." I say. "Ok." Max says.
Ally's pov
We head in our room and see Clarissa in the room. "We all are in the same bunk!" Hailey says. "Is everyone of the prayer sisters at camp this year?" Ella ask. "Yes." I say. "Who is going to be the new recruits?" Clarissa asks. "How about? Zoey and Rachel?" Hailey says. "Yeah. They would be amazing." Ella says. "Well we will tell them at dinner. For right now let's go to the confidence course." I say.
                        Ella's pov
We walk over to the giant King swing. Once we get there someone jumped from the platform onto the swing. "Let's go." I say. We run over to the platform and climb it. Ally jumps off the platform first. "High five!" I yell. I put out my hand and we high five once she comes up to the platform. She swings a few more times then pushes the wooden seat up to all of us. Hailey goes next. "High five Hailey!" I yell. She high fives me the same way Ally did. She stands up while swinging. "Woo!" She yells. She jumps off and throws the swing to us. "Go Clarissa go!" I yell. She stands on the wooded seat and I push her off the platform. "High five Clarissa!" I say. She high fives me and everyone else. She gets off and hands me the board. I swing my legs over the board. I jump off the board and see Harvey.
Harvey's pov
Will says that we should go to the confidence course. Once we got there we saw Ella on a swing. She was laughing and high fives get her friends. I go over to her. "High five!" I yell. She looks at me and giggles. The swing comes close to me and we high five. Even after almost a year I still have a amazing feeling when we touch. "Want to go Harvey?" Ella asks me. "Sure." I say. "Ok, go over to the platform over there and jump off of it with the board." She tells me. I nod my head and go over the platform. I jump off of it. I feel the blood running through my veins. "This is amazing!" I yell. "High five!" Ella yells. We high five then she goes over to Max. He hands her his phone and goes over to the platform. I get off the swing and throw it to Max. "Ready Ella?" Max asks. She nods her head and he jumps off the platform. I run over to Ella. "What you doing?" I ask her. "Making a for you guys. Go behind me and go to the platform." She tell me. I nod my head and run to the platform.
Max's pov
I check my watch. "Guys what time does dinner start?" I ask. "6:45." Ella says looking at a lanyard. "Crap! Guys it is 6:43!" I yell. "Oh no." We all say. Ella jumps on Harvey's back. "On ward!" Ella yells. We all start running to the dining hall. "Just in time." I say checking my watch. We walk in the room and sit down as soon as we can. Ella and Harvey are sitting next to each other. I am sitting next to Ally who is in front off Ella. And I am sitting in front of Harvey. Hailey is sitting next to Ella. Clarissa is sitting across from her and the twins are sitting across from each other. We finish dinner and split up so we can get ready for night service. "That swing is a lot of fun." I say to Harvey while sitting down on my bed. "Yeah. Do you know if we are allowed to bring our phones?" Harvey asks me. "Yes. Well we are because of being famous." I say. "Hey guys!" Matthew say. He walks in our room with Eli. "Hey Matthew." Harvey says. "So we heard that you guys are aloud to have your phones?" Eli says with a smile on his face. "Only because we are famous." I say. "You guys are famous?" Matthew asks. I pull up I my phone. "We just a little while ago got 1 million fans." I say showing them. "That's awesome." Eli says. "Yeah." Matthew say. "Ella and Ally are allowed as well. But that is only because if we have no idea were we are we can text them." I say. "Well you guys can hang with us so you don't get lost." Eli says. "Thanks, but no thanks. We came to camp to have fun, learn about God, and spend time with our girl friends." Harvey says. "Wait you two are dating Ally and Ella?" Eli says. "Yeah. I am dating Ella." Harvey says. "There really nice. How did you ask them out?" Eli asks us. "That's a story for another time. Right now we need to go to chapel." I say.
                      Ella's pov
"Chapel was amazing!" I say walking out with all of my friends. "And tonight the pool party is going to be amazing!" Max says. "Fun in the pool sound like me." Hailey says. We all laugh. "Ok let's go and get ready." Ally says. The boys say by to us and go back to there bunk. "Hailey you are so inviting Shaun next year." I say. She starts to blush. "Maybe he would love it here." She says. We run up the stairs to the bunk. We all go to our rooms and start getting ready. "Do you think Max will like this?" Ally says showing us a swim suit. "Yes!" Now come on let's go!" I say. We run out of the dorm to the pool.

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