Camp day 3

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Ella's pov
I hear the alarm clock go off. "Ah!" Me and Hailey say. "Get up you to!" Ally calls from the bottom bunk. "I don't understand stand why we have to wake up at 6 am in the morning. And have to take a cold shower!" I yet say getting down from the top bunk. "Because we have to get ready." Clarissa says. "Why it's camp! Time to live life with out showers!" Hailey says. I open the dresser and get my clothes. "We won Ella." Ally says to Hailey. "What? Oh no I have to get ready because if my mum saw me she would be so mad at me." I say. I open our door and go to the showers.
Harvey's pov
We all walk in to the dinning hall. I see Ella on the floor. "Oh no!" I yell. I go over to her and tap her neck. "She alive!" I yell as she stands up. We all laugh and go over to the table.
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"Harvey!" Ella yells to me. I turn to her with my hand on my neck. "Hi!" She says smiling. I laugh and walk over to her. "I think Grant is speaking again." She says. (They are waiting for morning chapel.) "Maybe." I say. The doors open to chapel and we all walk in.
                    Max's pov
"Hey you guys we should go to the maze." I say to Ella, Harvey, and Ally. "Hey guys can I tag along?" Matthew says. "Uh. Sorry Matthew not to-." Harvey says but I cover his mouth with my hand. "Sure you can." I say with a smile. "Max, what about-." Ally says but I put my hand over her mouth. "One second." I say to Matthew and take them over to a tree. "This is how we are going to know if we can trust him." I say. "How?" Ella asks. "If he sees one of us kissing we can ask him not to tell. If he tells we can't trust him." I say. "But if he doesn't we can." Harvey says. "Oh." Ally and Ella say. We walk over to Matthew and go to the maze. Me and Ally go last like we did yesterday. Matthew went in before us all. Me and Ally go to our corner and start kissing. We hear footsteps and just keep going at it. I open my eyes for a second and see Matthew. I instantly pull away and pretend to blush. "Don't worry I won't tell." Matthew says. "Thanks." Ally says. He walks away and we start kissing again.
                     ~after lunch~
                        Ally's pov
"We should do human foosball." Harvey says. "I love that!" Ella says. "Well come on." I say. We grab a couple more people and head over to human foosball. "Hello have any of you played human foosball?" A man asks us. "No." We all say. "Well I will teach you." He says. He teaches us then we get divided into team and starts to play. I kick the ball and it makes a goal. "Goal!" I yell. Harvey is the only one who finds it funny and laughs. We play 4 games then decided to go to gun-shooting. Harvey hits all 6 of his shoots. Ella hits none( I actually hit none at camp😂) Max hit 5 of his. And I got all of mine. "This shows I am better then you." Harvey says to Ella showing her the paper. "Remember yesterday?" She says pointing to the bows. He puts his head down and Ella jump on his back. I put Max's hand in mine. "We should go to the snack shack." I say. "Yes let's go!" Ella says. She starts singing the batella them song."batella!" We all yell. We start laugh and then reach the snack shack. "A water and a candy bar." Ella says. "Can I have a pink lemonade snow cone?" I ask. "We don't need anything." Harvey says. We sit down and eat. "We still have not been in the game room." Max says. "We should go." I say. Ella turns to Harvey. "Harvey kitt mills I challenge you to a game of ping pong!" Ella says. "I accept." Harvey says. They shake hands and start laughing.
Max's pov
"Max you are the referee." Ella says. "Ok." I say. Ella and Harvey get there paddle and start playing. "Danget!" Ella yells as Harvey scores on her. Me and Ally laugh. Harvey hits the ball to Ella. Ella hits it as hard as she can and the ball goes flying. Me and Ally giggle. Harvey goes and gets the ball and hits it back to Ella. She hits it softly to Harvey. Harvey hits it hard. Ella hits it harder and it hits Harvey in the stomach. "Ow!" He yells. "Ohh!" Me and Ally say. Ella stands there smiling. Harvey grabs the ball and hits it hard to Ella. She catches it and throws it to Harvey. "Try again." She says. Me and Ally start to laugh. Harvey hits it as hard as he can. It hits Ella in the throat. "Are you ok?" Harvey says. "Yeah. I have gotten hit in the throat many times." Ella says. She hits it to him and he hits it back.
Harvey's pov
"Who won?" Ella asks. "You won." I say. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you?" Ella says. "You are." I say louder. She giggles and jumps on my back. "Din din time!" She yells. We all laugh and walk to the dinning hall. "What do you think is for dinner?" Max asks Ella. "Ally you told him!" Ella says. "Well yeah." Ally says. "Told him what?" I ask. "Last year at camp Ella knew every meal somehow." Ally says. "I did not want to try it this year." Ella says. "Come on do it." Max says. "Ok. I think tonight will be chicken." Ella says. "Ok teens go get your food!" Jen says. We get up and get dinner. "It's chicken!" Me and Max say. "What did I tell you!" Ally says smiling. Ella rolls her eyes and grabs a plait.
Ella's pov
"Bonfire tonight!" I say I'm the bunk. "And the best thing is Harvey, Max, and Grant will be singing together." Hailey says. "Yeah wait till you hear there voices. There are amazing!" I say. I put a new outfit on it looks like this.

Except with out the sunglasses and purse

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Except with out the sunglasses and purse. I also put my 'stay cute' hat on. "Let's go." I say. "Ella have you ever thought about your future with Harvey?" Clarissa asks me. "Well yeah. But let's not talk about that right now." I say. I reach for the door but someone grabs my arms. "We have time. We need to talk." Hailey says. "Ok." I say. I sit down on Clarissa's bed. "Ally you too." Clarissa says. We all sit and start to talk. "Ella, Ally what have you been doing with Max and Harvey for the two days we have been here?" Hailey asks us with a grin. "This is what is this about!" Ally says. "What have you guys been doing?" Clarissa says. "Fine we have been kissing in the maze." I say. Hailey and Clarissa start to squeal. "Aww that is so cute!" They say. "Any ways let's go." I say.
Harvey's pov
"Hey do you guys want to sing one song by yourself?" Grant asks us. "Sure." Max says. "We would love to." I say. "What song?" Grant asks us. Me and Max look at each other. "Goodbye forever." We say at the same time. "Ok. You guys can sing that first then we can sing songs together." Grant says. "Ok." We say. We get to the bonfire and everyone else is already there. "Ready?" Grant asks us. "Yep." We say. "Ok everyone can I have your attention." Grant says. Everyone stops talking and looks at him. "Max and Harvey ante going to sing a song as a duet. Then after the song we will sing songs together." Grant says. I look at Ella for the first time tonight. "She is beautiful." I think to myself. Max starts singing and playing his guitar. I smile and look at Ella the hole song. Like I did when we were at the church. "I love you Ella Brooke Johnson." I think to myself.

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