The Game Of Life

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                          Ella's pov
I knock on the Mill's door. Leo opens it this time. "Hi Ella!" He says as he runs to me and gives me a hug. "Hi Leo." I say pretending that I was not surprised.
"Hi Ella!" Tilly yells as she as well runs to give me a hug. "Hi Tilly!" The board game and homework that was in my hands feel to the floor. Mis.Mills came to the door. "Tilly! Leo! Help Ella pick this up right now!" She yelled at her kids. They bent down and started to pick it up with me. "What game is this?" Tilly asked. "Oh the game of life." I tell her. "What the game of life?" "I will tell you how to play it after dinner." I tell her. "Ok!"
                •                   •                  •
"So Jason you have your very own business in Oklahoma we have heard?"
Mr.Mills asked my dad. "Why yes I do. And my son Tate works there." My dad tells them while me, Max, and Harvey are waiting for dinner to finish so we can play our game. "So is everyone done eating?" Mis.Mills asked. "Yes!" Me,Max,and Harvey said at the same time. "And I brought a game to play." I said as I pushed my chair out and ran upstairs to get the game.
Harvey's pov
As soon as Ella left her dad started asking questions. "So Harvey?" He first said. "Are you interested in my daughter?" I felt my cheeks get hot. "No sir." I tell him. "Well I will like to announce something after we finish the game Ella has brought us to play." And Ella thought British people were so elegant.
   Ella's pov
I ran down stairs after I got the game. I when't over to the table. "Ok I have The Game Of Life here." I tell them. "And there are only 5 cars so we can have 3 teams of 2. And 2 teams of 3." I tolled them. "The parents can all be a pair then me and you can be a pair Ella." Harvey tells us. I feel the color run to my cheeks. "Then Tate,Brooklyn,and Max can be a team. And me,Tilly,and Leo can be a team." Max suggests. "That's fine. Now what we do is-"
Harvey's pov
I knew if I said me and Ella should be a team her dad would give me the death glare. My parents and siblings knew about my crush on her. I look at her as she is explaining the game. "I can't wait till I ask her out!" I am thinking in my mind as she talks.
• • •
The game when't great! Me and Ella had twin girls and twin boys. "Rose and Lily. The twins girl names should be Rose and Lily." She tolled me. "Sure only if I get to name the boys." I tolled her. "Ok." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Ok how about. Matthew-" at that her eyes opens wide. So did Brooklyn's and Tate's. "And Mark!" I finish. "I love those names!" She said." "Ok everyone can I have your attentions." Everyone turned around and look't at Mr.Johnson. "I would like to announce that when me and my boys are leaving the UK we would like to take all of you with us for a few weeks in the US. Then I will pay for your tickets home! And of course to the US!" I look't at Ella she was smiling but had fear in her eyes. "Oh Mr.Johnson we would love to come to the US with you for a for a few weeks!" My mom exclaimed. Max and I started to smile.
                      Ella's pov
I know how much going to the US is a dream come true to Max and Harvey but. That means that they would go to church with us for those few weeks and school. And dad still lives in Union district so that mean. That Matthew will see me and Harvey possibility holding hands for something like that. And we would see him at church. This is bad!

Hey guys! Just wanted to say. This is so far the longest part!

And after I say this I will put the number of words in this part!


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