The Dance

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Ella's pov
We all decided that me and mum will pick up the girls. And the Mill's will pick up the boys. "Ella! Let's go!" My mum yells from the car. "Ok I'm coming!" I yell to her. I walk to the car and see a girl that looks familiar in a light green dress. "Ella?" The girl says. "Abby that's you!" I yell. I run over to her. We hug and laugh. "I'm coming to the dance!" Abby says. We pull away from the hug. "Well let's go!" I say.
Max's pov
Me and Harvey hear a knock at the door. We run over and open it. Andrew is standing there. "You guys ready to go?" He asks us. "Yeah. We will go get our parents." We say. "Max, Harvey were right here." My dad says behind us. We both blush from embarrassment. "Are you two nervous?" Andrew asks us while smearing. "No!" We both say.
"Come on kids to the car." Mum says.
Harvey's pov
We walk into the school. "The girls are not here yet!" I yell to Max. "Check your phone!" He yells back to me.

Come back outside. The girls just got here.

Mum had texted me. We all walk back outside again. I see Ella's car. The front passenger door opens. A girl that has a beautiful blue dress on. With white gloves and a blue mask steps out. "That can't be Ella." I whisper to Andrew. "I think it is Harvey." He whispers to me. The girl walks over to me. "Hey Harvey." She says to me. There was no bout now. That was Ella. "H-hi Ella." I say. She blushes. Our eyes lock. Then out of nowhere we hug. "Harvey, Ella are we ever going to take this picture?" Ella's mum yells to us. We pull away from the hug and blush. "How about you two love birds stand in the middle?" My mum says. "Now I know where Max gets it from." Ella whispers to me. We both laugh a little bit. "Ok on 3. 1.....2.....3." Mum says then takes a couple of pictures. "Wait mum take a picture on my phone." Max says. He hands his phone to mum and she takes a picture with it. Both of the mums start to cry. "You ready to dance?" I ask Ella. "Of course!"
Ella's pov
We walked into the school gym. Music was blaring and kids were smiling. Harvey takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. We both start to dance. After a few songs we decided to go get some water. I look around trying to find at least one of the girls. I see Ally talking to the girl who took me and Harvey's picture. The girl looks mad. I see Max running up to us. "Ella, Harvey, Jennifer is going to kill Ally!" Max yells. I start running to the girls. "What are you going to do about it bitch?" Jennifer asks getting up in Ally's face. I tap Jennifer's shoulder. "I am what she is going to do. I advise you to never even look at Ally,me,Harvey,or Max again." I tell her. "Oh I am so afraid of you." She says. She turns back to Ally. "I said don't look at her." I tell her. She turns around and looks at me. She throws me to the floor. Everyone is watching now. "What are you going to do about it. Okie?" She asks me. "This is what I am going to do." I say. I kick my legs under her feet. She fall to the ground and I get up. "You don't want to mess with an okie. Especially one that has been going to union almost all her life." I say. I turn around and walk over back to Harvey and Max. Max goes back to Ally as I start to come over. "Wow I had no idea you had that in you." He tells me. "Union is hard. You have to learn to defend yourself. And your friends." I say looking at Ally. I look over at Abby. Then look at Lauren. And finally look at Hailey. "You bored?" Harvey asks me. "A little why?" I ask him. "Let's go." He says. He takes my hand and we run out of the school.
Harvey's pov
I run Ella to the tree that I asked her out. She remembered and smiled a little when she saw it. I take my phone out from my pocket and play slow music. I take Ella's hand and put it in mine. She lets go of my grip. "What's wrong Ella?" I ask her. "I don't know have to slow dance." She says. I take her hand again. She looks up from the ground into my eyes. "I'll teach you." I say. We move swiftly and slow at first but then start to get faster. I decided to spin her. I spin her and she lads in my arm with one of my hands on both of hers. We both smile. I spin her back up. We lock eyes. I lean in. I soon feel her soft lips meet mine. Out kiss lasts for about 10 seconds then we both pull away. "I brought you here to slow dance and see the sunset. But I got a kiss to." I tell her. She blushes harder then I have ever seen her blush. "Come over here I set a blanket down for the sunset." I say. We walk over to the blanket and sit down. "Ella has not said much tonight. Maybe I should ask her." I think to myself. "Ella you have been really quiet. I just want to ask. Is everything all right?" I ask her. "Harvey I am worried for summer camp." She says not even taking the time to look at me. I just my hand on her chin and turn her face to me. "Ella don't worry about any of that. I will protect you and myself." I say to her. "Thanks Harvey. But I am worried because my mum had no idea about what has happened with Matthew. So she put you two as buck mates. And Max will be in there two. And who knows how he is going to react. And I will be on the other side of camp at the girls dorm. And, and I don't know." She rambles to me. She takes a breath because she I about to start again. "Ella your rambling." I tell her. "I'm sorry." She says. "It's fine. Do you want to go back to the dance?" I ask her. "Can we stay here for a few more minutes then go back?" She asks me. "Sure I don't see why not."
Ella's pov
We head back to the dance. Once we walk in Hailey and Abby come running up to me. "Ella!" They both yell. "Ok Abby first." I say. Harvey walks away because he does not want to interrupt. "Danny asked me out." She says. "Awesome I am guessing you said yes!" I say to her. He nods her head then goes back to Danny. "Ella Andrew asked me out! And guess what!" She asks me. "What!" I say. "He gave me this really pretty necklace." She says showing me the necklace. "That is so adorable! I am going to go dance with Harvey now." I say to her. She nods her head and walks back to Andrew. I walk over to Harvey. "I am hearing from everyone that this is the last song." He says. "Well let's round up the squad so we don't have to worry about a crowd when we are going." I say.
Max's pov
We all are penny boarding over to a ice cream store. It was a magical night for all of us. We walked into the ice cream parlor. Ella and Harvey is going first. "Can I have a chocolate chip cookie dough and orange sherbet in a cup please." Ella says. "And can I have the same as her." Harvey's says to the parlor. They look at each other and smile.

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