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Ella's pov
I grab the face masks from my moms bathroom. I run back into my room. "Got them!" I yell coming in the room. "Awesome! After this we can ask Brooklyn to give us makeovers right?" Lauren asks me. "Yes. And if she does not do it we can ask my mom." I say to them. I pour the ingredients to the masks in the bowls. I stir all of it together and hand a bowl to each of my friends. "I have not had a girls night in a long time." I say laying down on my beanbag. "Me to." Ally says. "We have girl nights together all the time." Lauren says looking at Hailey. "Ok well time to take about what we are here for." I say looking at Hailey. "This is Andrew." I say showing everyone a picture of Andrew. "Hailey likes him." I say looking at Hailey. Everyone squeals. "Omg we are so happy for you!" Ally says hugging Hailey. "Yeah I meet him this morning and thought he was really cute." Hailey says blushing. "And we are going to get you too together." I say smirking at Hailey. She blushes even harder. We hear a phone alarm go off. "Ok time to take the masks off." I say.
                  Harvey's pov
I pull the bowl of snacks down. "You guys ready for this?" Max asks. "Hey guys first I want to say. My friend Danny is moving here in a couple of weeks." Dylan says. "Wait." I say. "Andrew needs to tell Dylan something." I say. "I like Hailey." Andrew tells us. Dylan gasps. "Really? If you two date then the hole squad will have a bf or gf!" Dylan says. "I never thought of that!" Max said. "Now all we need is a plan." I say.
                    Ella's pov
"Ok all done." My mum says handing me the mirror. I take the mirror and look at my reflection. "Thank you so much mum!" I say hugging her. I turn to all my friends. "Oh my gosh!" They all yell. "You should do that makeup for the spring dance." Lauren says. I look at her confused. "What spring dance?" I ask. "Harvey has not asked you yet? Max has asked me." Ally says. "Dylan's asked me." Lauren says. "No one has asked me." Hailey says. "Maybe Harvey does not want to go with me." I say. They all gasp. "Of course he does! He is Harvey for crying out loud!" Ally says. "I don't know." I say. "You know what will make you feel better. If we all go shopping tonight for dress. Because Harvey is probably just trying to find an amazing way to ask you." Hailey says smiling to me. "I hope she is right." I think to myself.
                      Max's pov
"Do you guys have your dates asked out for the spring dance?" Dylan asks us while we are playing xbox. "Yeah I do." I say. "I did not even know there is a spring dance." Andrew says. "I am planing how to ask Ella. I'm thinking the night before go to her house in a tux and flowers and asking her." Harvey says. "Maybe we all can go tuxedo shopping tonight. I mean it is only 6:38." I say. "That would be fun." Andrew says. "After this game though." Harvey says.
                          Ella's pov
The girl squad hops out of the car. "What store first?" I ask. "Bath and body so we can get a new fragrance for the night." Ally says. We run over to the store. We all grab a basket and head out different ways. I pick up a bottle of beautiful day. I happily put it in the bag. I head over to the lotions. I pick out another beautiful day. I walk over to the cashier. The girl squad all comes at the same time. We check out and leave the store. "We should go to Clair's for white gloves." Lauren says. "Yeah!" I yell. I start running to the store. We walk in and I instantly fall in love with a mask for one of those fancy balls. "Guys I have an idea."
                    Harvey's pov
We walk into the mall. "Tux's first then we can get dinner." Andrew says as he sees Dylan walking towards the food court. We start to walk past Clair's. I look in it to see who is there. I see a girls that look like. Ella, Ally, Lauren, and Hailey. The one that looks like Ella turns around. It is not her because I know for a fact Ella hates masks. We walk away from the store. We walk into the tux store. "Hello my name is Kevin. Are you men looking for anything special?" A man asks us as we walk in. "Um just a normal black tux's." Max says. "Ok over here." The man says. We follow the man to a corner of the store filled with black tux's. "Thank you." Dylan says. The man walks away and we start looking. I pick out a tux that really speaks to me. (I do not really know how guys pick tux's😂.) I go to the dressing room. I put it on and step out. "Dude you look awesome." Andrew says. I look in the mirror. "I guess this is the one then." I say.
Ella's pov
We walk out of Clair's. We have our gloves and new perfume and lotions. Shoes are next. We walk next to a tux store. I see boys who look like. Harvey, Max, Dylan, and Andrew. The one who looks like Harvey turns around. That is definitely not Harvey because Harvey does not like tux's. We walk past the store into the shoe store. "Hi I know you from somewhere." A lady said coming up to me. "I'm sorry I don't know you." I say to her. "Your Ella Johnson right? Because if you are I was your nurse when you were in the hospital." She says to me. "I'm sorry but that time of my life is just a blur. What is your name?" I ask. "Selena. I have to go but here is my phone number maybe your mum will let me take you to breakfast some time." She says. She hands me a piece of paper. Then she runs out of the store. I put the paper in my pocket. "Ella you said you wanted a blue dress right?" Hailey asks me. "Yeah." I say walking over to her. "Well look at these heals." She says. She hands me a box. I open it. There are white heals that have a blue and white poke a dot bow at the front. "I love them." I say. "They so fit your personality and will look amazing on your pale feet." Hailey says. "Oh my god what have I turned to!" Hailey says. I laugh. "It's the girly stuff that we have been doing today." I say to her. Everyone picks out there shoes and we head to the dress shop. We walk into the store. "Hello I am Samantha! Any dress that you guys are looking for?" Samantha asked us. "First her dress. She needs a blue dress." Lauren told the lady. "Ok well let's go over here." Samantha tells us. We walk over to a lot of blue and turquoise dresses. We all start looking. "Ella look at this one!" Ally says holding up a dress. I shake my head no. "How about this one?" Hailey says holding up a dress. I shake my head again. "Now this one is perfect!" Lauren says handing me a dress. I put it back in her hands. "No this one is." I say pulling out a dress. They all gasp. "Put that on right now!" Ally says. I run to the dressing rooms and change. I walk out. They all gasp again. "Perfect!" They all yell.
                    Harvey's pov
We walk out of the store. "Food court?" I ask. "Yes let's go." Dylan says. We start walking to the food court. We split up except for me and Max and get our food. We all meet at a table. "So Dylan is Danny going to be here in time for the spring dance?" Max asks him. "Yeah. And he said his crush is moving here to. I told him about the dance he is going to ask her." Dylan tells us. "We all can go as a group." I say. "Speaking of group. The girls are over there." Andrew says pointing to 4 girls. I look closer. I see them clear now. "Andrew, Harvey its your time to shine." Max says. He pulls me out of my chair. Dylan pulls Andrew out of his. They push us to the girls. "Harvey? Andrew?" Ally asks us. "Oh um hi girls." I say blushing. "Hi?" They all question. "I wanted to ask you something Ella." I say. "Everyone be quite!" Andrew yells. The hole food court goes silent. "Ella will you please do me the honor of going to the spring dance with me?" I ask. "Awww!" The hole food court goes. We stand in silence for a few minutes. "Say yes!" Some one yells. Me and Ella laugh. "Yes I will Harvey." She says. The hole food court claps. Me and Ella hug. "Everyone stay quiet for a few more seconds." I say. I look at Andrew. "Hailey I know we have not even known each other for a day. But will you go to the spring dance with me?" Andrew asks Hailey blushing. "Yes! Thank you so much Andrew!" She yells. They hug. The food court goes back to its loud self. "Well we came to get a snack and go back to my house." Ella tells me. "Ok I will see you later." I tell her. I take her hand and kiss it. "Good bye for now my lady." I say. We both laugh.

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