Author-chan: Okay Ukes, so, before you were with your boyfriends, did you ever have any... *wiggles eyebrows* dreams about them?
Ciel: *face goes dark red*
Dipper: N-no! *cheeks flush*
Will: I-I don't s-sleep...
Author-chan: -_- Fine then. Erotic thoughts? Daydreams?
Will: *blushes darkly*
Author-chan: Thought so. *smirks*
Sebastian: I actually had to care for Ciel during puberty, during which he had his fair share of wet dreams-
Author-chan: And you, Dipper? *evil smirk*
Dipper: W-well, I can't lie, I did but... I-it's obvious that Bill made me have them!
Bill: Interesting... I'll have you know, my dear Pine Tree, that I did not tamper with any dreams you have involving myself. *grins*
Dipper: *blushes even darker*
Author-chan: *smirks* Anyway, we can't just torment the Ukes! Semes, how about y'all?
Sebastian: I do not sleep...
Bill: Me either.
Tyrone: I have. *smiles and hugs Will*
Author-chan: Fine then, ever gotten a boner while thinking about them?
Sebastian: *blushes ever so slightly and nods*
Bill: *growls whilst blushing and nods*
Author-chan: Thought so. *grins* Eh,
But there's no need to be embarrassed. My first sexy dream was about my doctor.Mabel: DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT.
Author-chan: *randomly sticks out tongue* MY TONGUE IS SQUEESHY! FEEL IT!
Ask and Dare BillDip and WillDip
UmorismoThe title pretty much explains it... Ask and Dare your favorite triangle dream demon and his pine tree, along with (wimpy) Will Cipher and his "Master", Reverse Pine Tree! (Rev!Dipper), and don't forget Mabel, Stanley, Stanford, Pacifica, Gideon, So...