Chapter 69( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Author-chan: Okay Ukes, so, before you were with your boyfriends, did you ever have any... *wiggles eyebrows* dreams about them?

Ciel: *face goes dark red*

Dipper: N-no! *cheeks flush*

Will: I-I don't s-sleep...

Author-chan: -_- Fine then. Erotic thoughts? Daydreams?

Will: *blushes darkly*

Author-chan: Thought so. *smirks*

Sebastian: I actually had to care for Ciel during puberty, during which he had his fair share of wet dreams-


Author-chan: And you, Dipper? *evil smirk*

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Author-chan: And you, Dipper? *evil smirk*

Dipper: W-well, I can't lie, I did but... I-it's obvious that Bill made me have them!

Bill: Interesting... I'll have you know, my dear Pine Tree, that I did not tamper with any dreams you have involving myself. *grins*

Dipper: *blushes even darker*

Author-chan: *smirks* Anyway, we can't just torment the Ukes! Semes, how about y'all?

Sebastian: I do not sleep...

Bill: Me either.

Tyrone: I have. *smiles and hugs Will*

Author-chan: Fine then, ever gotten a boner while thinking about them?

Sebastian: *blushes ever so slightly and nods*

Bill: *growls whilst blushing and nods*

Author-chan: Thought so. *grins* Eh,
But there's no need to be embarrassed. My first sexy dream was about my doctor.


Author-chan: *randomly sticks out tongue* MY TONGUE IS SQUEESHY! FEEL IT!


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