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There is a knock on the window that stops me from pulling Hazel into my lap.

"Luke, man!" Brent says pointing to the window button.

"What's up man." I say rolling down the window.

"Hello Hazel, what you guys up to?" Brent says pulling Brooklyn in closer to him.

"Hey Brent, Brooklyn. Nothing just grabbed something to eat. What are you two up to?" Hazel ask leaning over my lap.

"Uh, just going to grab some dinner." Brooklyn says letting go of Brent's hand, God Hazel knows how to get to Brent with out even noticing him.

"No I mean you two, what's up with you?" She ask wiggle her finger between them.

"Nothing, what about you too." Brent says and I can see the hurt in Brooklyn's eyes, even I know they both like each other they are just afraid to admit it. For a minute no one says anything.

"Not sure yet, I guess." Has says looking up at me and smiling. Then she give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well duty calls, see you guys later." I tell Brent with a wink, before I start up the Jeep.

"Bye guys." Hazel says getting back in her sit.

"Damn girl, you are good." I say giving her a wink as we pull up to a stop light.  Then she leans over and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know what came over me I jus said what I was thinking." She says again giving me a kiss the cheek again.

"I'm sorry, Haz, I don't know what happened back there." I say rubbing her arm, I can not wait till the next red light. I am going to give her a kiss she will never forget.

"Quit looking at me like that." She says hiding her face.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask really wanting her to say to my house I had not told Hazel big my parents and sister where going to my aunts house for the weekend.

"I don't know, wherever you wanna go.
I know I look like crap and I don't wan to go out, but he'll who cares. Where do you wanna go?" She asks me pulling her knees to her chest.

"You look beautiful,'sweetheart and you know it." I say about to burst.
Damn it. Oh god she is starting to giggle.

"What are you thinking about?" She ask looking at my mouth.

"You would hate me if I told you." I say with a wink.

"Are you going to ask me back to your house or not." She ask sitting up to fix her shirt.

"Do you wanna?" I ask hoping I am not pushing her to do something she does not want to.

"Yeah, we know the limits." She says shrugging and looking over at me with a smile.

"Damn girl you are amazing and you don't even know it." I tell her watching her face turn fifty shades of red.

"So funny, you are doing it again mister." She says looking down, damn it. I don't even have to look down to know what she is talking about.

"Calm down I was playing. It's not there." She say laughing so hard that her face is getting red. As we are pulling into my drive way, Hazel starts to calm down.

"You ready baby?" I ask getting out and opening the door.

"Wait, I got a question. What are we going to do tonight?" She ask me swigging her legs out and stepping out also.

"Nothing, you don't want to." I say shutting the door behind her.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" She ask i know she is getting nervous.

"You're nervous why?" I ask hoping  she tells me the truth.

"I don't know, you make me nervous I guess." She says lacing her fingers through mine.

"And you make me do some stupid things." I say kissing the top of her head.

"Why do you think you do that?" She ask looking up at me and smiling.

"Because I love you and would do anything for you." I say pulling out my key and unlocking and opening the door.

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