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When Sparky pulls me out of the Jeep I almost fucking killed him.

"Calm down dude my women is with your woman." He says passing me a beer and then he opens one taking a chug of his.

"Hey man, chill out." Kasey says coming up behind me patting me on the shoulder. Holding myself back from punching him in the face I just nod my head. I can not fucking believe Tyler would say that about Hazel, she is the one who is pregnant.

"Have you seen Luke?" Hazel ask peeking around the corner.

"Oh they're here." Shelby says walking through the door.

"I've been looking all over for you." Shelby says to Sparky sitting down on his lap. Then Hazel is beside me our hips brushing each other and our arms too.

"Hey." She says looking up at me through her lashes.

"Well, hello to you too." I tell her looking down at her and pulling her closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Kasey edging towards the door.

"You guys be good, don't do anything I wouldn't." He says nodding and leaving the room. As soon as he is down the hallway Shelby jumps up and closes the door.

"You seen that bitch yet?" She asks grabbing our hands and pulling us to the couch beside her and Sparky.

"No, have you?" Hazel ask me moving in closer.

"I think I seen her with Brooklyn, on our way up here." Sparky says pointing back and forth between me and him.

"I can not believe she would say that about you." Shelby says looking down sadly.

"Do you think she told Kasey?" Hazel says more to me then anyone else.

"I don't think she would tell him." I tell her trying to calm her down.

"Yeah I don't think she would either." She says back to me crossing her legs.

"That bitch told everyone else so he is going to find out eventually." Shelby says bringing up a good fact.

"What are you going to do?" Sparky asks Hazel shifting in his seat.

"I don't know yet, not much I can go she is pregnant." Hazel says rubbing circles in the palm of her hand.

"Shelby that means you can't do anything either." Sparky says going to give her a kiss. I still don't understand why Tyler someone who I and Hazel thought was her friend. When I look down I can see the hurt in Hazel's eyes. Maybe we should not have came to this party.

"We should go." I say to her standing and reaching out my hand.

"Where you all going?" Shelby ask taking a break from sucking Sparky's face off.

"I think we are going to head out." I say before Hazel can say anything we are out the door.

"Hey come here." Shelby says standing and pulling Hazel into a hug and before they can pull away from each other,  she whispers something in Hazel's ear.

"Bye guys." Hazel says stepping out into the crowded hall-way. As we are walking through the door the crowd of people I start to see that no one is looking at us. No one is even paying us attention. When we finally get to my Jeep I open the door and watch her get in. I can tell Hazel noticed also.

"Did you see, I mean notice that not one person looked at us?" Hazel says then picking up again.

"Do you like think she didn't tell anyone?" She ask scrunching her eyebrows together.

"Yeah I do." I tell her starting up the Jeep and backing out. When we hit the road to the main road I see the cops.

"Oh shit, did you drink anything?" Hazel ask grabbing my hand and lacing her fingers through mine.

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