Chapter Two- Exes and Groans

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3rd POV

Baekhyun stepped out of the building, taking a deep breath. With this new engagement, he'd have to break up with his girlfriend. He knew he had to do it today, the sooner the better. Break it off clean and quick, and make sure to leave nothing behind. Most importantly, don't look back.

He sighed to himself. He had to think of the business. Plus, if the girl turns out to be a completely spoiled brat, by summer perhaps his girlfriend will take him.

He stepped inside the limo waiting for him, addressing the chauffeur. "The park west of 2653 Birmingham street." His driver nodded, heading towards the location.

Baekhyun dialed his girlfriend's number, waiting three rings until she answered. "Hey, Bacon~!" Baekhyun sighed, he hated her nickname for him.

"Hey Taeyeon," he replied, voice neutral. "Could you meet me by the tree where we first met? The one by Birmingham street?"

She giggled over the phone. "Sure, but it might take me a while because I'm in school, and I have to clean up a bit."

He never really knew her to be the type to have to clean up a bit before a date, but he just assumed that she stepped in a puddle of mud or something. "Great, see you then jagi."

He hung up as his driver finally arrived at their destination. Baekhyun leaned over the driver's window, "Return here in 30 minutes, I may need a quick getaway."

The chauffeur nodded, driving off. Baekhyun smoothed his hair, shaking his head at what was to come. His girlfriend arrived 20 minutes later, a few spots on her uniform blazer.

"Hey jagiya! All dressed up to see me?" She giggled, gesturing to Baekhyun's suit. He mentally cursed himself for forgetting to change after the meeting between his parents and him. He straightened his tie, coughing uncomfortably.

Taeyeon didn't know of his family fortune, mainly because he never told her. He knew she'd be the type to mooch off him for him parents' money, just like how she liked him for only his looks.

"Look, Taeyeon, there's no other way to put this, so I'm just going to make this short and quick," Baekhyun sighed. "But we need to break up."

She stood in shock, wide-eyed at his words. She trembled, her lower lip shaking. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes, "Why, Bacon?"

Well, with that nickname she made it a lot less guilty. Baekhyun shook his head, "Sorry, it's better this way." She started punching his chest, weakly slapping his suit. "There's another girl, isn't there? Tell me!"

Baekhyun's thoughts flew to the girl in the picture. The Song girl. "Yes," he admitted. She slapped him across the face, his left cheek now stinging red. "You... You... Monster!" she shrieked, taking off her ring and throwing it on the ground. Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks as she stomped off, furiously wiping them away.

Baekhyun rubbed his cheek, picking up the small ring on the ground. In all honesty, that went better than expected. He examined the ring, sterling silver. One that she herself picked out. She wanted him to promise that they'd stay together forever, but he knew that promise would be broken. Another of the many sacrifices of an heir.

He stuffed the ring back in his pocket, shaking his head. In the end, he did the right thing. While he did hold feelings for Taeyeon, those feelings slowly receded to nothing once he became more aware of her personality. He heard stories of how she treated other girls at her school, a normal school.

He heard of her as a queenka and heard stories of how she's pulled cruel pranks on other girls she was jealous of. Sure, he found her jealousy a bit cute in the beginning when they were on dates. The occasional waitress or two would flirt with him and she'd become jealous. But soon Baekhyun felt cornered and trapped as if he was being pressed down by his girlfriend to stay away from the opposite gender.

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