Chapter Four- The Ballerina Bad Boy

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I was having a heart attack at the moment.

Today was Friday, which meant that tomorrow I'd have to move in with Baekhyun. Move in! As in, we're going to be living together! I've never lived with a boy before, being an only child. I was thinking I'd have more time to put my act up, but now I'll have to keep it up more often at home and at school! I wouldn't be able to act like myself even around my friends!

I walked over to my friends, where Xiumin, Krystal, and Amber were waiting.

"Hi, guys!" I pulled up a fake smile, hiding my extreme anxiety of my situation.

"Y'know, Sarang, you never did explain about that limo the other day. What did your parents want?" Xiumin asked.

I coughed nervously, "Oh, I just had to attend some dinner, no biggie. The friends they were meeting with paid for the transportation."

They nodded. Amber laughed, ruffling my hair, "So when were you friends with people who have big bucks?"

"Oh, I'm not, they're just people my parents knew who were visiting town for a short while, they just left today," I lied. "It's also the reason for the limo before."

"Ah, alright," Krystal accepted the lie.

I felt guilty. Down right guilty.

"Hey, you guys, can I ask you a favor?" I gulped.

"Sure, Sarang-ah! What do you need?" Xiumin asked, smiling.

"Is everything OK?" Krystal asked.

"Well, I may begin to act a bit differently next week... and for a long time perhaps. What I'm asking is for you guys to bear with me, pretend it's normal. Like nothing's different. I know the favor seems strange, but I just need for you guys to hold on. Sometimes when we're alone I'll act like my normal self, other times I might not. Just don't say anything about it, arasso?"

They gave me weird stares. "Are you planning to get possessed by a demon or something this weekend?" Amber asked, worried.

I slapped the back of her head, "Aish, of course that's the first thing you think of."

"Well, if it's that important to you, I'm more than willing to go along," Xiumin agreed. I smiled at him, slightly bowing with gratefulness.

"Could you at least tell us why?" Krystal asked.

I shook my head, downcast. "I don't think I ever could you guys."

"Ah, the mysterious Sarang being mysterious as always!" Amber laughed.

We laughed, and I got my books from my locker. I really didn't deserve friends like this. Ones I lied to every day.

Taeyeon was still crying over her ex.

Xiumin ended up getting pudding stuck in his hair.

Amber skinned her knee skating again.

Krystal got her bracelet stuck in Xiumin's hair, which was pretty hilarious in my opinion.

All of the Seniors were then sent to the auditorium then for some announcement. I wonder what they're going to announce? The principal stepped up to the mike on stage, addressing the packed room. "Well, we're going to be participating in Seoul's Talent competition!"

It was a competition where different schools throughout Korea compete and participate in a talent show, where each school gets one act to show off their students' vocals, art from the backgrounds, dancing, and acting. Before we had never participated, because our school wasn't one of the top 20 in the public school district.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now