Chapter Eight- Sex Shops and Stopper Stuff

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WARNING! One of the shops here is based off a store in one of the malls where I live, so it's gonna get a little... Just read for yourself.

Chanyeol carried me in his arms, frantically searching for my oh-so-handsome fiance. "Where is he? This place isn't even that big!" Well, considering this place is about the size of a lot of heirs' mansions, for commoners it's big.

I crossed my arms and stopped squealing. He's been doing this for five minutes, and since then I got used to the rocky ride and trusted he wouldn't drop me. I had the most why-am-I-even-used-to-this deadpan glare, and some people were starting to stare at us weirdly.

"This is totally a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon," I rolled my eyes.

"No time for sarcastic comments!" Channie hissed, hosting me up a bit so that he could carry me a bit better. I kept my bag close, "We just bought a dress and you're already ready to go?"

"No! It's about that Taeyeon girl," Chanyeol mumbled. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "What about her? You know her?"

"No," he shook his head.

"Sure you don't," I say sarcastically, tugging on a red lock.

"No! I mean, I've heard of her, but-- look, you'll understand once we find Baekhyun!" Chanyeol mutters.

"Does he really need to find out at this moment?" I ask.

"Well, no..."

"Then we'll tell him when we see him! Look, we meet at like 5, and I'm sure it's not that urgent. Unless he's going to die, I don't think it's a life-or-death matter. Why don't we just hang out like we were supposed to do in the first place? Y'know, you guys need to be a little bit more familiar with the commoner's lifestyle."

He looks up, and I can feel vibrations under me that signal he's tapping his foot. "You have a point..."

"There! Now, put me down and we can shop or something," I say.

He sets me down, and I dust off any imaginary dirt. "Alright! Just point to a store and we'll head there!"

Chanyeol looked over to me, "Hey, Sarang, do me a favor?"

I looked over to him, "Depends."

"Please don't break my best friend's heart."

I sigh, "Make sure he doesn't break mine."

"Deal," he said.

I roll my eyes, moving to a different topic, "Are we going shopping or what?"

He grumbles to himself, "Girls and their shopping." I slap the back of his arm, earning a wince. I wore a smug look, rolling my eyes. "Just shut up while I'm still myself." Chanyeol looked around, "Hey, how about that store?" He was pointing to one of the most infamous stores in the mall.

I chuckled to myself. Amber told me rumors of when she went in there once. Krystal took one step in, and basically 'noped' so hard she didn't go to the mall for another month because she was shocked that such a store was in the same building as Build-a-Bear.

Basically, it's where all of the kinkiest, most sex driven, pierces & tattooed, and total baddies went.

"I've never been there, but sure, we can check it out," I shrugged.

There were a lot of rumors about the place, and each person says some of the same stuff and some of the different stuff.

The place had a lot of shit, basically.

3rd POV

Baekhyun looked over, catching a glance of his best friend talking to Sarang. While holding her. What? Was she injured or something?

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