Chapter Twenty-Eight- Falling and Films

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"So... you're telling me that you and Sarang got drunk... made out, and ended up going home together?" Chanyeol asked, veering the steering wheel.

It was Monday morning, and Baekhyun had asked Chanyeol to drive him to school. On the way, Baekhyun recently brought up what had happened on Friday night.

Baekhyun buried his head in his hands, having a fit of shame. He still couldn't get any of it out of his head. Her lips... Her moans... Her skin... It just couldn't seem to leave his mind. It burned into his brain it seemed, never getting a bit of rest. He ended up thinking about it all through the night, knowing that in the room right next to him was the girl who gave him the hickeys that were scattered across his neck.

The moment his memories flooded back to him, he was flustered and panicking. At least Sarang wasn't mad or anything since she seemed embarrassed as well.

"E-Essentially," Baekhyun stammered, his cheeks flushed red. "I really don't know what came over m-me."

"Dude, both of you were giving your consent on the matter, and she started the kiss. Plus, neither did anything that would have any serious consequences. Hickeys fade," Chanyeol chuckled.

"W-What am I supposed to do? Every time I thought of bringing it up around her I just ended up being... hit with the memories," he shuddered.

"Man, that kiss really got to you, huh?" his friend laughed. "Relax, I'm sure you'll get to second base next time."


"I'm joking, I'm joking. Well..."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, seeing that they were at the school already. "See you later," he grumbled, climbing out.

"And Baekhyun-ah?"

Baekhyun turned around to his friend, who was grinning. "Kiss her again, and see how she reacts to that. Maybe that time you'll get your crap sorted out," Chanyeol laughed.

The car drove off, and Baekhyun shook his head. He walked to his locker, getting his books. Whispers and murmuring surrounded him, and the hallways were quiet.

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, finding Xiumin and Amber. Xiumin coughed awkwardly, "Looks like we've all got some regrets for that party, huh?"

Baekhyun didn't think Xiumin knew about him and Sarang's kiss at the party. "Not sure what you mean about me, but you definitely."

"No, I already know about me," Xiumin raised an eyebrow, a confused look on his face. "Wait, you didn't see?"

"See what?" Baekhyun asked.

Amber whipped out her phone, "You might want to see this, everyone else in school has apparently."

The video showed, and the same blaring music from the party blasted through the phone. Amber turned it down a bit and pointed to the slightly cracked screen. "Watch," she whispered. It showed Baekhyun and Sarang, both evidently drunk from their lazy smiles and slight stumbles.

It showed Baekhyun pouting slightly and laughing. Then Sarang pulled Baekhyun in for a kiss, the heated session evident on the screen. Baekhyun blushed as he saw himself wrap his arms around the girl, pressing her body against his. The kiss became more heated, and Baekhyun saw himself press his lips harder against Sarang's, who was smiling into the kiss.

"I-I... Who filmed?" Baekhyun's face was a flaming red.

"Probably a saesang, but the video is going out throughout the school," Amber shook her head. "But man, you guys are really getting it on, aren't you?"

"And I thought that the kiss me and Taeyeon had was heated," Xiumin mutters. "You guys look like you're already dating."

"We were both drunk..." Baekhyun mumbles. "We weren't thinking straight."

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