Chapter Forty-Five- Official Obscurity

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I pushed past the fans of Baekhyun, my left eye twitching as my eardrums pounded from the relentless screaming that could make a narwhal piss itself. Ever since Tao and Kai came out as gay, the 'romantic' fangirls, as I call them, have been flaunting over the others more than ever.

Romantic fangirls are the ones that wish to have a romantic relationship with their oppa. While Krystal was 'dating' Kai, she was sent mean letters and dirty looks. Then again, we're used to that already because of Taeyeon and her own groupies, so it wasn't anything we found a problem.

Plus, now that Baekhyun made such a great performance for his solo parts in the vocal line, the entire school treats him like some sort of idol.

Don't get me wrong, though. Xiumin hasn't had it particularly easy either. I had to save the poor boy from a mob when we ran around the school twelve times, and by the time we escaped he had about 11 holes and rips in his shirt. Not to mention the ten different places his hair spiked up from the fangirls trying to rip out a piece. I had to walk the poor baozi to the store for a new uniform shirt. Evidently, the fangirls caught him the next day, and it had 9 tears in it once they were done. Plus his tie was stolen.

Now it was getting harder and harder to rip Baekhyun away from the girls. Especially since Valentine's coming up soon, so they're begging him to be theirs. I was steamy-faced as I pushed past, dragging Baekhyun by the sleeve of his shirt.

He turned to me with a panicked expression as he started to swipe me off, but once he saw who I was he stopped and grabbed my hand, bolting with me as we tore through the mob.

Baekhyun found a quick hiding spot behind a corner, and the fans passed right by us without notice.

I huffed out a breath of exhaustion, crouching down since I was tuckered out. "Gee, I can't keep you to myself, now can I?"

He slapped himself against the wall, wiping a thin line of sweat off his forehead. "I can't even keep to myself nowadays."

I smirked, gently slugging him in the arm. "You know, it's because you happen to be one of the few straight, hot guys here. Plus, when you showed off your vocals you happened to boost up on the 'sex muffin' charts."

He grinned sheepishly, scratching the nape of his neck. "What can I say? I'm a ladies man."

"Well, can you stop being one then?" I asked, snickering.

"How do you suggest I do that now?" he raised an eyebrow, gesturing to his body as he flaunted it. "I mean, look at all this."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, they'd have to look at it and then you'd stop being a ladies man."

He whistled, "Savage Sarang out again?"

I swatted his arm playfully, grinning a cheeky smile that practically reached to my ears. "Aren't I always?"

We laughed, poking each other like children and giggling quietly. After all, we didn't want to attract fans.

"I think we've got to get to lunch now," Baekhyun said, whipping out his phone to check the time. I nodded, a little disappointed that we had to be interuppted with lunch.

We walked on, now that the sasaengs were off our trail. "Hey, Sarang?" Baekhyun mumbled.

"Mm?" I hummed, peering up at his handsome features. His warm, brown eyes met mine, and for a moment I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment. I was in love with the boy after all.

By now we were in the middle of the hallway, and the fangirls were starting to approach at the end of the crowded hall.

"I want to use my third wish," he stated, eyes as serious as a full moon.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now