Chapter Fifty-Two- Forgiveness

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It was day two of Baekhyun's coma, or technically day three. Lay sent me food since I kept forgetting to eat, and I took a shower. I only napped in the chair beside Baekhyun, and I lazily watched as the nurses and doctors checked up on him, saying he'll wake up in a few days time.

I felt like a shell of a person. Hollow. Empty. Hours at a time I'd keep my eyes on Baekhyun's sleeping figure as if at any second he'd pop up from his coma, look at me, and ask, "Who are you?"

I was cleaner now, the ash and soot finally washed away. My hair was neatly combed and tucked behind my ears, and by clothes were fresh and lemon scented. Still, my face said it all. The dark bags under my eyes, and the blank stare I gave anyone who came in. You'd have thought I was the sick one if I weren't by a boy with tubes in his throat.

I was drowsy, leaning a bit over the bed. Baekhyun was improving, and the doctors just left.

I heard a knock at the door, and assuming it was Lay or some other doctor, I just mumbled a quiet, "Come in."

I was surprised to see Krystal there, a basket of sweets in one hand. "Sarang-shi?" she asked, peeking her head out from the door, her brown hair cascading as her eyes peered my way.

"Krystal-ah?" I mumble, blinking a bit. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard about Baekhyun-shi," she said, opening the door and stepping in, placing the basket on the table. "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "Oh yeah, it's Monday, isn't it? I'm sorry that we didn't transfer out yet, I haven't left the hospital... except to shower."

Krystal shook her head, giving me an apologetic look. "No, that's fine. You don't have to transfer out, I mean we're practically done with school, and not to mention the school wouldn't be the same without you."

I furrowed my brows a bit, "What? But I thought you hated us."

She frowned, pursing her lips. "I... I didn't hate you, Sarang-shi. Either of you. I just... I was surprised and shocked when we found out about... your secret life. I just, I don't know, I guess I just felt, in a way, betrayed. I mean, you kept a secret for as long as you knew us. You didn't trust us to accept your secret life?"

"So... you're not mad?"

"No, if anything, you should be mad at me." She looked down in shame, staring at the white tile floors. "I acted immaturely, I'll admit it. I was acting like a baby. I think the shock of having our lives in danger and the fact that you kept that secret, I guess I sort of placed the blame on you. In my head, you were the reason we were in that situation."

"It's true, though," I mumble. "It was my fault."

She shook her head, "It's not your fault. None of this was your fault. I mean, sure, we were all hurt that you didn't tell us, but we would've accepted you all the same. Rich or not, you're still our spunky, feisty Song Sarang. We could care less if you were the poorest of Seoul or the richest in the world, you're still our best friend."

I smiled weakly, "Gomawo, Krystal-shi. I needed to hear that."

She nodded, "The others are in the waiting room, and they'll be here soon. I just wanted a few minutes to apologize for my actions. Mianhae."

"Apology accepted," I give her a grateful look.

"Do you... do you think he'll really forget you?" she asked, stepping closer to Baekhyun's sleeping figure.

"I pray to God that doesn't happen," I sigh. "We've... We've been through a lot. A lot more than you'd know."

She nodded, "You two are set to be married?"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now