Chapter Fifty-Four- Terminate

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Baekhyun had already turned 18, and my birthday was fast approaching. My ankle healed to where I could run regularly, and Baekhyun was emitted from the hospital.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol's relationship was a bit more strained now, and he hasn't gotten all of his memories of the Yoda recovered. Though he says he remembers a few. Chanyeol takes him to the places where they created memories, all in a desperate hope to have Baek remember.

It's almost as if they had to start over their friendship, suddenly going to best friends to regular, casual friends. It was a bit sad really.

When Baekhyun didn't recognize Chanyeol, I could see the boy trying desperately not to cry. He broke down later, crying in the hall as he wiped away tears. I did my best to console him, but deep down we knew it had to be either him or me.

I was now brushing off any dust from Baekhyun's graduation gown, smiling at him. "You look very handsome, Baek," I compliment, fixing the tie.

"Sarang?" he begins.

"Hm?" I hum quietly, my tongue poking out from the corner of my mouth in concentration.

"Have you thought much about our wedding?" he asks me, watching as I smooth the soft fabric between my fingers.

"Well, I know I want Krystal and Amber to be our bridesmaids, and I think our parents already arranged where it will be, I mean... It is in a few weeks," I said. My heart pounded at the thought of it. In only a few short weeks Baekhyun and I will be legally wed.

Though we might as well be already. I've kept to every vow I made to him in his comatose state. I meant it, and I'll keep it to heart.

"I think I want Chanyeol to be my best man."

I look up at Baekhyun, a bit surprised. "Are you... are you sure?"

He nods, determined. "He was affected deeply by the temporary amnesia, and though I can't remember all of the memories we shared, I remember he was very important to me."

I smiled, "I'm sure he'll be very glad to hear that, hopefully,

he'll happily accept."

He nodded, seeming a bit distracted.

"Hey, Baekhyun. Do you remember when you first introduced me to Chanyeol?"

He shook his head, and I grinned. "Well, it's a funny story really. You introduced me to all of your friends from your old school, and you wanted me and Channie to get along in particular. Since I was your fiance and he was your best friend and all."

Baekhyun nodded, following along with the story.

"Well, you made me and Chanyeol take our route in the mall while you went with Suho and Kris. Chanyeol pointed to a store, well... it was a sex shop. But he didn't know that's what it was. I decided to see how long we could go along with this act where he didn't know, so I agreed to go with him."

Baekhyun's eyes widened as I laughed.

"You followed us, spying really. Chanyeol was oblivious, even picking out a fox tail or something. It wasn't until we got to the wall of... 'pluggers' we'll call them when Chanyeol realized what the store really was. You then barged in, asking us what we were doing there and completely pissed."

Baekhyun busted out laughing in disbelief. "What? You're kidding."

"Our relationship was budding, and you found me with your best friend, and I was holding what I believe was a 'One Direction' plugger. Needless to say, you were in complete disbelief."

He shook his head in disbelief, "What happened after?"

"Luhan and Sehun said they saw everything and explained to you. They were there because Sehun wanted a lava lamp, I believe," I snickered. "We got out shortly after."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now