Chapter Thirty-Five- Trial of Truce

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It was Tuesday, and Kai just finished teaching me the new choreography for the Seoul Talent Competition. I was sweaty and panting, using my cap to fan myself. Kai slowly clapped, nodding. "I think you've got it down now."

"Thanks," I huff. "That's a relief."

"You OK? I think the jump part is the one that really got you," he says, handing me a water bottle.

I shake my head, "No, no, it's the part where I have to turn halfway. Face it, man, I'm not flexible."

"Hey, the court meeting is going to be this Saturday. You said you'd come, and it's scheduled for 2 PM," Kai brought up.

"Yeah, sure. It's that place just around Birmingham street, right?"

"That's the place," Jongin nods.

"Are you going to be bringing Krystal?" I ask him, wiping my forehead with a towel.

"Why would I do that?" His eyebrows furrow together.

"Well, she is your girlfriend, so it'd be important to for her to be there for your support," I bring up. "Unless of course, you don't want to tell her about your appa, which is completely understandable."

"Aniya, aniya... I... I think I will bring Krystal," he nods.

I frown, shaking my head. "There's still something iffy about you guys. How'd you even pop the question? And why so suddenly?"

He sighed, taking in a deep breath. "Sarang-shi, there are some things about me that even you don't know."

"Can I know then? I mean, I won't judge you. Unless you killed a man. Then there might be some judging. Then again I stabbed your appa, so who am I to say?" I chuckle.

"Krystal caught me in the midst of a secret," Kai started.

"What did she do, catch you jerking it?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No! Aniya!" he started getting flustered. "Just... Just listen arasso?"

"Arasso," I nod, sitting down.

He took another breath, "She found out about a secret of mine. One that even you don't know, that I'm still not ready to tell you yet. Let's just say it changed her view on me and it ruined a few things for her. I asked her to keep it a secret, and as a bond, we agreed to date. I thought perhaps it may change a few things for me, so we're trying to make it work. And I mean, she's not ugly."

I pressed my lips together, shaking my head. "No wonder she seems so unhappy with the relationship, she feels like the only reason you're agreeing to date her is because you feel like you owe her one for keeping a secret, not because you love her."

"Mianhae," he weakly smiled. "But even I'm different from what the school thinks."

"Tell me about it," I roll my eyes. "Believe it or not, I've got a few secrets up my sleeve as well, and not just about you or me. But if your secret really does change how people view you... Let me just say I know what it's like in your position."

His eyebrows shot up. "You... you do?"

I nod, "Believe it or not, Jongin, most of what you know about me is a lie. All of it. I'm telling you this as support, know that. But I know what it's like to have to keep up appearances and meet expectations, when on the inside you're dying to come out and give up the act, to tell people who and what you really are and be proud of it! Yet you know what consequences may come if you make that decision."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now