Chapter Fifty-One- The Bittersweet Departure

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I watched as Baekhyun was whisked away in the stretcher for stitches. They didn't allow me to stay there with him, so meanwhile I was busy having a panic attack in the seat at the waiting room. My hands were trembling, and I buried my grime covered face in my hands.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I believe the endless hiccups were finally getting quieter.

People gave me odd stares, wondering what happened to me.

"Sarang?" I heard a voice. I looked up, meeting Lay's eyes.

"Lay?" I widened my eyes, a bit shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"This is the hospital I work at," he pointed on the badge on his scrubs. "What happened? Are you alright?"

With those words, my heart started hurting once more, and a tear snuck out. "Lay, so much happened. You wouldn't believe it."

He sat next to me, wrapping an arm around me. I saw some of the ash rub off on his blue scrubs. "Tell me everything."

I buried my face in his shoulder. Why was he always here when I cried? I told him the whole gruesome story, from being snatched to the street to when Baekhyun was knocked out. He stayed silent, contentedly listening.

"Wait, when'd you arrive here?" he asked patiently.

"M-Maybe... an hour ago?" I sniffed, running out of tears.

"Since he got shot, he probably had to get stitches. I could pull a few strings so that they let you see him," he offered, his brown eyes peering into my empty ones.

I blinked, gripping onto his arm. "Ne! Jebal!"

He smiled, "Come on, I think I know where they took him."

We went to the main office, where he discussed a few detail with the lady at the front office, and found Baekhyun's room number. He lit up, turning to me. "Good news, Sarang. Seems like the stitches are done."

I let out a sigh of relief as he led me to the room. A masked doctor pulled down her mask, "Guests aren't allowed to see the patient."

"She'll be an exception," Lay answered her calmly. "She can stay for as long as she'd like."

The doctor let out a sigh before opening the door. "She'll have to hear the news, then."

I stepped in, pulling up a chair next to Baekhyun. Tubes were in his nose, and probably down his throat. He was sleeping, and I reached over to his hand, an IV in his vein that traced his arm. His hand was cold, and the calm, emotionless beeping from the machine behind him was the only thing that made noise.

"When's he going to wake up?" I asked hesitantly.

"He's in a coma, but the doctors predict he'll wake up in a few days. He wasn't hit so hard for it to be permanent," the doctor assured.

I sucked in a breath, examining the bandage wrapped around his shoulder. The stitches must've been in place.

"A few days?" I gulped nervously. My cheeks were cold, freezing. I ran out of tears in the waiting room. I couldn't cry if I wanted to. Perhaps I was dehydrated. "But you'll promise he'll wake up?"

"Yes, he'll wake up in less than a week, guaranteed," the doctor confirmed, nodding her head.

"That's good," Lay smiled, doing his best to be optimistic.

The doctor coughed, raising her gloved hand to her mask. "But... that's not all."

I furrowed my brows, staring up at her. "What do you mean, that's not all?"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now