Chapter Thirty-One- Prize and Princess

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They arrived where the horse-riding lessons and practice was. The people gave them clothes to change into since they were VIP guests, and Sarang was all set in jeans, boots, and a T-Shirt. She put her jewelry in a bag near her clothes, where they'd get them later on.

"Alright!" Grayson clapped his hands together. "Since you said yourself you were kind of rusty, want some help?"

Grayson's eyes ventured down Sarang's body, and he glanced back up to give her a sly smile. She didn't notice, only smiling. "Sure, sounds fun."

Baekhyun's jaw clenched together when Olivia grabbed his hand and dragged him off. "Come on, Baekhyun, we can ride a horse together." The boy pried his eyes from the sight, going off with Olivia almost unwillingly.

She climbed on, and he climbed on after her. "Grab the reigns, hottie," Olivia flirted shamelessly, winking at him. He nervously grabbed the reigns, reaching around her in an embrace.

Sarang frowned, huffing to herself. "C'mon princess," Grayson winked at her, bringing a horse.

"Don't call me princess," she snapped.

"Fiesty," he whistled. "Hot."

She blushed, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Need help getting on the horse?" Grayson asked.

"No thanks, I think I--"

"I'll help you," he interrupted, grabbing her by her hips and putting her gently on the horse. Sarang wanted to snap at him that she was fine, but decided to leave it alone. He didn't hurt her at least, but it's not like she was happy being touched by him. Ever since she was almost raped, she's been a bit more so wary towards every guy who tried touching her.

Besides Baekhyun, of course.

The only guys she was more so comfortable around were Chanyeol, Chen, Xiumin, and Kai. HunHan, Suho, and Kris she wasn't around as often, so she wouldn't quite know about them. Still, they seemed like good guys at least.

"Alright, I'll be right behind you to help you refresh your skills," Grayson assured, running a hand through his blond hair.

Sarang grumbled to herself, and the larger boy climbed on top of the horse, wrapping his arms around her to get the reigns. "So, you tug a little this way to go left, and you go a bit that way to go right. If you want the horse to go faster, then just snap it like this."

He kept instructing her, and it seemed as if she got all of it down. "Alright, I think I've got it," she smiled, petting the horse. "Thanks for the help."

"Really? Alright..." Grayson mumbled, sounding a bit disappointed. Sarang made the horse walk over near a place for Grayson to hop off, near the barn. Baekhyun and Olivia were there too, and they climbed off their own horse.

"Hey, Sarang!" Olivia cheered, waving her hand deviously with a clearly pleased smirk on her face. "Baekhyun and I just went on a trail, perhaps you and Grayson would like to go there too?"

"I'll check it out later," Sarang said bluntly as Grayson hopped off the horse. "Did you two have fun?"

"Totally!" Olivia giggled. "I'd say more than fun, though, right Baekhyun?"

Sarang's teeth ground together and her fingers clenched around the reins. Baekhyun, who was a bit distracted at the second, mumbled a 'yeah'.

"Well, that's good to hear guys," Sarang flashed a fake smile.

"Hey, Sarang, willing to take on a challenge?" Olivia dared, her green eyes peering at Sarang with devilish curiosity.

"I'm listening," the girl replied, combing her fingers through her horse's mane.

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