Chapter Forty- Aegyo and Resolutions

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The same music played on, blasting through the speakers and blaring through the mouths of the screaming people, getting pumped for New Years. It was but an hour or two until the clock would strike twelve and kisses would be made, plus New Years resolutions would be made and eventually forgotten.

"Hey, what's your New Year's resolution?" Baekhyun asked, shouting over the music.

I grinned, smiling at him and mouthing, "Guess!"

He grinned as he grabbed my hand, weaving us between party goers and crowds. Everyone was having a great time for preparing for the New Year, and I grinned at the thought. Baekhyun led me to a slightly quieter place, letting go of my hand to cross his arms and lean against a wall.

"Hmm," he hummed. "You'll get more fit?"

"Tch! I'm totally fit!" I brag, flexing my tiny muscles.

He laughed, "Alright, is it some sort of diet?"

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I teased.

"No. Come on... I'm out of guesses. Tell me," Baekhyun whined.

I snickered, bopping him on the nose. "It's to confess everything to my friends before graduation."

"I thought you were going to do that anyways?" he raised an eyebrow, pressing his lips together.

"I've been avoiding it, admittedly," I confessed, scratching the nape of my neck.

"How do you think they'll react?" Baekhyun asked quietly, coming closer to pull me into his embrace.

"I don't know," I whispered. "Shocked. Angry. Definitely angry."

"Why would they be angry?" Baekhyun asked me.

I sighed, burying my face in his shirt. "Because this whole time I've been lying and a fake, pretending to be something I'm not."

Baekhyun rubbed my back as I hugged him for comfort. "Shh, hey, no tears, I like this shirt. Haha, kidding. Well, I do like this shirt... but we're here to party, not for sadness!"

"Do aeygo," I demanded.

"What?" Baekhyun asked, perplexed and stepping back.

"You've never done aeygo, do it!" I cheered him, practically begging.

He buried his hands in his face, his cheeks a stinging red. "The things I do for you..." he grumbled. He combed his hair back with both hands and glanced nervously around, though we were alone. He sighed, taking both fists to his cheeks and making a rubbing motion.

He rose one hand up to do a peace sign, his eye between his two fingers. He winked, shouting in a high-pitched voice, "Beee-yoing~! Bee-yoing~!!"

I laughed, falling back to the ground and slapping the floor. Tears escaped my eyes and I wheezed, struggling to catch my breath. I rolled over to my back, clutching my stomach. "It's... It's too cute!"

"Yahh!" Baekhyun whined, pouting. "Stop it will you?"

"No!" I hollered, laughing. "It's... It's great! Do it again!"

"Not when you're on the floor laughing!" Baekhyun huffed, crossing his arms.

I grinned up at him, wiping away tears. "Help me up," I demanded.

"Gee, so bossy," he muttered, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"I am going to be a boss to millions," I mumbled.

"C'mon, let's drink!" Baekhyun cheered, throwing his hands out in the air in celebration.

"You go ahead, I think I'll stay sober tonight. A good way to start this year for me," I said.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now