Chapter Three- Promising Meeting

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I opened my locker, pulling out the different textbooks I'd need for class.

"Advanced Geometry 2... Physics... English..." I mumbled, pulling them out.

"Aren't you already fluent in English though?" a familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to see my good friend, Xiumin. My eyes widened in delight, "Xiumin!"

He grinned as I hugged him, pinching his baozi cheeks. I pulled away, smiling. "When'd you get back from vacation?" Xiumin is a friend I made here at school, who recently left to visit his grandparents.

"Just now, anything interesting happen while I was gone?" he asked, rubbing his now pink cheek. I shrugged, "I dumped ice cream on Taeyeon's head yesterday, and her boyfriend broke up with her apparently." He shook his head, clucking his tongue. "You mean the one she always brags about?"

I nod, "That's the one."

"Ah, well I'm sure she'll act like a real b-word 'til her next boyfriend," he shook his head. I giggled, unlike me, he wasn't a fan of cursing. "Wanna walk to class with me, oppa?" I asked. He grinned, "Sure!"

We walked to class, which was in one of the portables near the parking lot. Krystal caught up to us, clutching onto her books and bag, her bracelets jingling against each other as she walked along side us. "Hi, Minseok!" she smiled. He pouted, "I told you not to call me that!" Krystal and I laughed at his reaction, and I pinched his cheek again.

"Sorry, Xiumin-oppa. When'd you get back from your grandparents'?" she asked. He whistled a bit, "Mm, today Krystal-ah." She nodded, and Amber skated over to us, her books on one side, and her other hand holding on to her baseball cap. "Xiudaddy! You're back!" she grinned. Xiumin blushed at her nickname for him.

I snorted, letting out an unladylike noise. Xiudaddy is a nickname some of Xiumin's fangirls call him, and frankly, he got flustered every time he heard it. "D-Don't call me that!" he stammered. We giggled at his flustered actions. "But... Xiudaddy!" I teased.

We were almost at the portable when a long, black limo stretched out before us, Max stepping out and greeting me with a familiar, "Miss Song."

"Omo! Sarang, what's this?" Xiumin asked.

"Shit, I forgot," I cursed under my breath. I have to meet my future hubby today.

"Again?" Krystal asked. "But this happened yesterday! Don't tell me your parents are having another party?"

I chuckled nervously, "Maybe they want me to attend one... Uh, I've got to go, can you put my books up for me?" I handed my textbooks to the shocked Xiumin. "I-I'll be gone for the rest of the day, so don't wait up for me, uh, bye!" With that, I hastily climbed into the limo, waving goodbye to my suspicious friends.

The car drove off, and I buried my face in my hands. "I don't know how long I can keep this up, Max."

He chuckled, making a turn. "You'll survive, Miss Song. Only one more school year with them anyway."

"Gee, thanks for reminding me," I grumbled, watching as we pulled in front of the building. I stepped in, being immediately grabbed by Sunny.

"Today's the day! You're meeting your future husband, so you've got to look your best! First impressions are everything, y'know!" she pushed- no, shoved- me into the dressing room. I stared at a white dress with silver roses as the decoration, as well as white flats. Angelic. That's what I'll have to act like for the rest of my life with this man.

I sighed, getting changed and stepping out. Sunny gasped, "Oh, dear, you look fantastic!"

"Fantastic," I grumbled to myself. I had to make the best of this, I shouldn't cry. Most girls would love being set up with a wealthy, attractive husband. I'd be considered a lucky one.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now