Chapter Thirty-Four- The Fresh Meat

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I stepped out of the car, waving goodbye to Chen and approaching the school doors. It was going to be hard to explain why Baekhyun and I exited school early and were absent for one week. It was Monday of the next week, and I knew questions were going to be asked.

I stepped in, and the obviously buzzing hallway went silent. Suddenly I was bombarded by people.

"Can I have your autograph, Sarang-noona?"

"Can we take a selca together?"

"Sarang-sunbaenim marry me!"

"Alright, that's enough, that's enough!" I heard Amber say, as she dragged me away from the crowd. We escaped the people chasing us and got behind to school.

"They found out about your magazines, and it turns out Baekhyun is also a model! Who'd have thought? After you guys left we found his magazines, but on a different one. Though I could imagine him as a model, he's not exactly ugly," Amber huffed. "So where the fuck were you?"

"Wait, so you're saying they found the magazines and photoshoot pictures?" I asked her, leaning against a wall.

"Yeah, essentially," she shrugged. "Krystal's waiting for you, you'll flip when you hear the news."

"What news?" I raise an eyebrow. "What did I miss?"

"You'll see," Amber laughed. We caught up to Krystal, who was chatting with Kai. I was surprised she wasn't doing her usual stuttering and blushing around him since she did have a huge crush on him.

Krystal turned to me, her face lighting up. "You're back!" she ran up and hugged me. I stood frozen as her arms wrapped around me, and I patted her back. "Gee, it was only a week, Krystal-ah," I chuckle.

"So you were gone because you had to go to some photoshoot with Baekhyun in some other country, right?" she asked.

I raise an eyebrow. "What? Where'd you get that?"

"Well, we know that Baekhyun was a model too, just like you! So you guys left in that limo to go to another photoshoot, right? But you were gone for so long because it was in another country, right?" she asked me.

I laughed. Well, she came up with my excuse at least. "You caught me," I laughed. "It was kinda a surprise, but my parents were chill about it."

"I really want to meet your parents," Krystal smiled.

I smiled back, "I wish you could too, but they're so busy with work." Not false, really.

"So where's Baekhyun?" Krystal asked, looking around.

I shrugged, "He should be here soon." I turn to Kai, "So, what's new with you? Did you do what I asked?"

He nodded, and Krystal coughed. "There's something I should tell you, Sarang-shi."

"Oh yeah, Amber said I would be shocked," I laugh. "Go ahead, what'd I miss?"

"Kai and I are... a couple," Krystal mutters.

My smile falters, "What?!"

"He's my boyfriend," Krystal grimly says.

I smile, lighting up like a Christmas tree. "That's great! I'm so happy for you guys, especially since you had a crush on him for so long."

Kai and Krystal both blush crimson, and I raise an eyebrow, turning to Krystal. "Why aren't you so happy about it? You seem... drained."

She shook her head, "It's... nothing."

"No, tell me. I'm your best friend," I tense up.

She starts grumbling, and her mood immediately goes down. "I said it's nothing, Sarang-ah. Forget it. I don't want to talk about it!"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now