Chapter Twenty-Nine- American Vacation

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We were both currently packing our stuff, making sure we have everything.

"Do you have your toothbrush?" Baekhyun asked me.

"Here," I answered bluntly.



"Anything for your lady stuff?"

"Got it."



"Do you have your clothes? We have to pack for warmer weather."

"It's all here, Baek."

"What about your cell phone charger?"

"Yeah it's... shit," I cursed myself, going over to get the cell phone charger.

"I knew you'd forget something!" he laughed.

"Shut up," I smile to myself, grabbing the charger. "Do you have everything?"

"Yeah, just checked," he smiled.

"You know we have to wear sunglasses for when we get out of the plane, right?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah, I know." Paparazzi back in America are a lot more idolizing towards CEOs, especially young ones. After all, they seem to show some issue towards the business world since we run their products. Therefore they insist on taking pictures of our faces, especially the ones that will be taking up the business. In a way, we're sort of like celebrities.

You have some business people who take advantage of the fame, such as the Kardashians. Other use it for more so government purposes, and others use it to expand their businesses, such as Steve Jobs.

I tossed my sunglasses into the suitcase. We were going to be picked up by Chen and driven to one of Kris' airports. I think it was his, yeah it was! It was Galaxy International Aircraft. I remember him telling me about it.

"Hey, Baek?" I start. I wanted to ask him something that was on my mind lately.

"Hm?" he hums, his tongue sticking out between his lips.

"Do you think that night... If we hadn't gotten tired, do you think we would've... escalated?" I asked, choosing my words carefully. He immediately knew what I was talking about, and his lips pressing against each other in a thin line.

"Honestly? I think... I think we might've," he mumbles.

I nod, biting my lip. "OK, good to know..."

My phone buzzed, and I got a text from Chen. "Alright, you sure we've got everything?" I asked him.

He flashed me a smile and two thumbs up, "We're good to go!"

With that, we dragged our suitcases behind us and traveled downstairs. Climbing into the limo, we drove off to the airport.

"Hey Chen, you'll get a few days off!" I cheered for him.

He rubbed the nape of his neck, "Yeah, my friends been getting a little cranky that I've been gone so often, so this should cheer her up."

"Treat her, it's always upsetting when a friend isn't around as often as they'd wish they were," I suggested helpfully. "And send her my apologies for stealing you away so often."

He laughed, "Will do."

We drove off and stopped by Galaxy International Airport, and Kris came over to greet us.

"When I heard you two rascals were going to be my clients, I knew I had to see," he gave an obnoxious smirk. "It's been a while."

"We've been caught up in some stuff," Baekhyun smiled apologetically. "So what's new, Kris?"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now