Chapter Thirty-Seven- Mistletoe and Missing You

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Taeyeon and Baekhyun were walking alongside each other, the snow flurries drifting inches from their noses and settling in their hair. Taeyeon's heels clicked softly against the marble steps. They exited the building, and the bag of the freshly bought items swung in Baekhyun's hand.

"Thanks for helping me pick out the gifts," Baekhyun smiled at Taeyeon. She bit her lip, blushing as she grinned up at him.

"I'm sure that she'll love them... I know I would," she hinted, thinking the gifts were for her.

Baekhyun laughed, "Yeah, I think they would."

"Bacon, you know I apologized for the way I act sometimes, right?" she asked.

"Mhm," he hummed, frowning.

"Why can't you just believe me? I'm not really like that, you know. It's just... that Sarang really knows how to strike a nerve," Taeyeon muttered to herself.

"Watch your words carefully, Taeyeon-ah," Baekhyun warned. He quickly added a, "She is my friend, after all."

"I still don't believe she thinks that," Taeyeon growls. "I see how she looks at you. I can tell when a girl is out for a man, and you're on her list! I see it! She's after you, y'know."

"And that's a bad thing?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "Unlike what you've remarked plenty of times, Sarang isn't exactly 'hideous', she is a model after all."

They've had three more photo shoots before this, actually. Since many people were hyped up more about the cover girl and boy, they decided to do an early summer, autumn, and winter-themed styles for the seasons.

"It's a girl like that who's going to end up being the death of you," Taeyeon remarked, narrowing her eyes and furrowing her brows. "Once you've fallen, she'll give up the act. She'll get suspicious of every little thing, think everything is a sign you're unfaithful. She'll never fully believe you're loyal, or you meant any of the promises you made. She's going to end up keeping you so locked from others, you'll feel trapped. I know how you are Bacon, and though we might've broken up, you were still my boyfriend. And I know over time you'll find her jealousy cute, but soon you'll be feeling pressured and trapped, locked away from interacting with anyone else in fear of making her angry again."

Baekhyun thought for a moment. "I agreed to be your friend, Taeyeon-shi. I agreed to give you another chance. Don't make me regret it."

Taeyeon's face fell. "That's the big difference between you two."

"Mwo?" Baekhyun turned to her.

"That's a big difference," Taeyeon repeated, whispering. "You believe in second chances, and she'll throw you away like a used tissue if you slip up even once. You two are so different, it's hilarious. You try to fix problems with calm and rational thinking, cooling down with calm and quiet recharging. She thrashes out and takes her anger out on anything to cool down. Her fixing of problems usually happens when she's angry, not when she's calm and rational."

"I think we're close to my apartment," Baekhyun interrupted, looking up at the apartment. "My parents wanted me to get the feel for living by myself, so they decided to get me this really nice apartment from my grandmother's money."

"Ah," Taeyeon admired the hotel. "Must be very fancy."

"Yeah," Baekhyun nodded, "but the fact is I won't be able to live in it once I graduate, I'll probably live in a real crappy, small apartment until I get a good job."

That was a lie, of course, but it was supposed to keep Taeyeon off his tail.

"Oh," Taeyeon frowned in disappointment.

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