Chapter Thirty-Three- Drunks and Departure

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Hey, guys! Like the new cover? It fits my aesthetic a lot better, honestly. Plus it looked a lot cleaner and clearer. And the colors are so pretty! Please tell me what you think of it.

I'm also very excited that this book has been jumping up in the reads lately! It's so close to on thousand, can we get it there soon?

Honestly, it means so much that people actually like to comment and vote on my chapters, putting in their input and opinions and thoughts on the character and plot. I love feedback personally, because it shows what actual people think of my work. Please don't forget to comment, even if you have ro rant about how much you love a protagonist or hate an antagonist or how you love what so-and-so did or deeply analyzing the chapter or character.

Do it all! I will probably bust into butterflies if you spam me, no joke. I love it, oddly enough. I always find myself grinnign as widely as Yeollie! Haha.


It was 8 PM at night, and Baekhyun and I were about done with hanging out with the Rossman kids. After a day of pointless shopping and endless one-sided flirting and racist comments, we were both dead beat tired.

"The fun's only just begun, we're taking you one last place," Olivia grinned, her green eyes having a mysterious glint.

I raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't we be heading back home? I'm ready to go to bed."

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun Sarang. Don't have a stick up your ass," Grayson laughed.

Baekhyun shrugged, whispering to me, "C'mon, it'll be fine. It's our last day with them anyway, so let's get it over with."

Sarang nodded, sighing to herself. "Alright, I guess."

The two followed the Rossman kids to the car, and they drove off to a bar. They were both handed sunglasses despite it being the evening, and the other two whipped out fake IDs.

"We do this all the time," Grayson grinned, slipping on his sunglasses.

"You'll love it," Olivia giggled. They stepped out of the car and approached the building.

"Isn't this illegal?" I whispered, a bit worried.

"Oh please, relax already," Olivia shushed me rudely. They approached the man standing at the door, flashing their fake IDs. "They're with us," Olivia pointed back at us, and the man nodded, opening the door.

We stepped in, and loud music played and people were grinding against each other off-beat. I looked down at my clothing, which was just a cute top, jeans, and boots. I guess I fit in, at least in a mediocre way.

Olivia and Grayson went to the bartender, slapping down a few dollars. They ordered their drinks, taking shots. And getting another shot. And another. And another. They had more shots than I had beer back at that infamous party.

Soon enough they were flat out drunk, and it seemed as if they were black-out drunk. Not like me and Baekhyun were, where we were still vaguely aware of what was happening. I mean these people were about to collapse. It wasn't even twenty minutes and it already seemed like they wouldn't remember a thing that would happen tonight.

"Come on, let's dance," Olvia hiccupped, dragging Baekhyun behind her as she stumbled in her heels. I now understood why she was in a short dress since I was wondering earlier today since we were just going shopping.

"Dance with me," Grayson ordered, grabbing my wrist and bringing me to the dance floor. I feel him grab my hips from behind and felt a grinding sensation against me. I felt awkward and mortified, shuddering as Grayson moved my hips with him.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now