Chapter Five- Move Ins and Nights Up

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My parents guided me into an apartment, with white walls and dark floors. It seemed bright and full of light, perfect for a new couple.

"We hope you like what we picked out, Sarang," Eomma kissed my forehead.

"And we know you don't like to, but starting Wednesday you'll be modeling for our products! The Byuns are doing the same with Baekhyun, so that once you two are married you can model together! It's a great advertising scheme!" Appa smiled.

I smiled back. That was honestly the least of my worries. "Arasso, I suppose."

The kisses me on the cheek as we departed, their footsteps echoing out of the apartment. Since it was still new, we didn't have much furniture. That meant they only had one bed, one kitchen, and a few rugs and such.

I sighed, this was going to be a long day. I got my boxes and unpacked a few things in the dresser, making sure to leave half of it empty for my fiancé. I did the same with the closet, making sure to leave space.

I was almost done when I heard a knock at the door. Oh no, it was Baekhyun wasn't it? We're officially going to be living together! God, I was so nervous. My heart was practically jumping out of my chest. Here goes nothing. I opened the door to reveal Baekhyun wobbly legged, holding a big box that seemed too heavy for him.

"Omo! Let me get that," I say, taking the box. Eh? It's not even that heavy. Why was he looking like it weighed a ton? I carried it to the bedroom while Baekhyun looked at me in shock. It's not that heavy, what's he so surprised about?

"Uh, we only have one bed, so if you order today one should arrive on Monday. But if you want, I can just get some pillows and blankets and sleep on the floor, if you'd prefer having the bed to yourself," I offer. He shakes his head, "No, no, it's fine. I'm fine with sharing."

I nod. Oh God, we'll be sharing a bed. "I also kept half of the closet and dresser empty, in case you wanted to store some clothes there as well."

He glanced over to the closet. "Ah, gomawo."

I nod, my eyes trailing down to his lips. They were so pink and lush... Oh God, Sarang, stop having such byuntae thoughts right now! I turn around to leave the room in order for him to start unpacking, when a hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"Uh, I invited some friends over for tomorrow. I thought it might be a bit healthy for you to be around other heirs since it's sort of hard to relate with commoners on a personal level. They know we're engaged, I hope you don't mind. Is that... OK with you?"

His eyes were so captivating, locking me in position. They were a lot more intense than in the picture. I was having a heart attack on the inside. "Sure, if it makes you happy."

He smiles and breathes in relief. "You'll like the guys, though they might act a bit cocky from time to time."

I nodded, turning around and rushing to the broom closet. I grabbed a broom and started sweeping up any imaginary dirt. Meet his friends? I haven't been around other heirs my age since I was in diapers! Was I suppose to impress them too? How do you even impress a guy anyway? If you're better than them at something, they usually act pissed or jealous.

More people know of my engagement? I didn't want this to catch like wildfire!

"Hey, Saran- yeowch!"

I dropped the broom as it clattered onto the ground. "Omo! Mianhae, mianhae, mianhae!" I rub the spot on Baekhyun's forehead, which was beginning to turn pink. I was so distracted, I didn't notice him come in the room, and I ended up accidentally hitting him in the face with a broom.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now