Chapter Thirty- Meet the Nuisances

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Wow, I've made you guys read a lot of chapters. I'd bet soon enough you'll be like 'nope I ain't got time for this' but please, stay patient. If I could have people finish my book which had 105 parts (though short chapters) then I'm sure this will be fine. And I promise this won't be 100 chapters, haha. I'm not making that mistake again. Without further ado, let me give this couple, even MORE, problems! Mwahahaha.

Yeah, I'm like those authors who just screw with your feels with characters. Fear me, for I am Satan.


Jeez, chill, I can take a hint.

~Em (author-nim)

I woke up to the buzzing alarm from my phone. I slapped it, fumbling with the screen and turning it off. Baekhyun's arm was wrapped around my waist, and his lips on my neck, sleeping. Gee, sleeping positions get to spooning positions? Just great, fam.

I lay there, too tired to actually get up it seemed. Ugh. We have to meet people. Gee, I hate people.

I remove Baek's arm and turn over, bopping him on the nose. "Hey," I bop his nose. His eyes flutter open and meet mine, "Morning~" he says in a husky voice.

I smile. He was so beautiful. "Time for us to get ready, sleepy head."

"Can't we just stay here?" he grumbled cuddling back into me.

I chuckle, "No, you know duty calls. Now get up."

He whines in disappointment but obliges to my command, turning over and sitting up, letting out a yawn.

I swing my legs over the bed and get dressed in summery clothing since it's so freaking hot in Los Angelas. Slipping on a fashionable tank top and jean shorts, bracelets on my wrists and small hoop earrings dangling from my ears. I gather my dark hair in a ponytail, and I'm good to go.

Brushing my teeth and cleaning my face I go back to Baekhyun, seeing him already changed in a black T-shirt, a chain necklace, jeans, and white and black striped Adidas shoes. "You look like the typical American teenage boy," I laugh.

He gives me a lopsided grin. "And you look like the typical American teenage girl."

After fixing his hair we go downstairs to greet our parents.

"Well, don't you two look fashionable," Mrs. Byun says. "You and the Rossman's children will be hanging out together. In fact, they should be arriving now."

The door opened to reveal a family of four. A tall woman, with a blonde hair piled up into a bun that seemed to cut off the circulation to her brain. The man beside her was slightly shorter, with a dark grey crew cut and a big smile.

Their two kids were there too.

The girl was a bit taller than me, but then again I was really short. She had long, straightened blonde hair and big, green eyes. Her skin was very tan, and her boobs seemed to almost pop out of her tube top. She wore a hoodie but chose to leave it completely unzipped to reveal her cleavage and flat stomach. I looked down at my own chest, feeling a bit insecure since they seemed really small compared to hers. She wore shorts like mine, and what seemed to be high wedged flip-flops.

The boy had a broad chest and towered over the girl, with blond hair swept back like most from American magazines. He had tanned skin and wore a light blue shirt that was the same color as his eyes, wearing a smirk and staring at me, almost seeming to check me out. His jeans were similar to Baekhyun's but darker. He wore plain sneakers from Nike.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now