Chapter Fifty- Freedom or Defeat

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Xiumin slowly let Amber down to the ground, the night sky's moon shining brightly on them. Amber hissed out in pain, tenderly examining her ankle. Xiumin ran his fingers through his hair, "When is help getting here?"

Amber's eyes went wide, and she pointed furiously, her hand shaking.

Krystal turned, "What is--?" Her eyes were as wide as Kyungsoo's in an instant.

"What?" Baekhyun asked, turning. He gasped in shock, frozen as he saw the building up in fiery flames. "Who set it on fire?!"

Kai and D.O threw their hands up, "This is earlier than planned!"

"Wait a minute, where's Sarang?" Xiumin asked, looking around.

Baekhyun's eyes went wide, and he turned, dashing quickly to the fiery building. Smoke was starting to get in his vision, and he coughed as he ran into the building. He heard an inhuman scream and prayed it wasn't Sarang.

"Sarang!" he choked out, coughing as he covered his mouth with his hand. "SARANG!" Smoke fumigated the room, black smoke everywhere. Baekhyun coughed miserably as the black smoke attempted to fill his lungs.

"Baekhyun? BAEKHYUN!" he heard her scream out. He ran, dodging the flames. A piece of the ceiling fell beside him, and he knew that the building could fall at any minute. He stumbled back as he dodged a piece of the ceiling that crumbled down next to him, being engulfed in the fiery flames.

He scrambled back up, and his throat felt on fire at the moment. "SARANG!" He cried out again, his weak voice reaching its full volume for the moment.

He found her in the corner, her face illuminated in the orange light against the dark smoke. Tears were in her eyes, and her face covered in soot and ash. Her legs seemed to be trapped under one of the pieces from the ceiling, preventing her from getting up. "B-Baekhyun," she whimpered. Her soot-stained cheeks had clear streaks, signifying she was crying.

"Baekhyun," she coughed again weakly, covering her mouth and trying to wave off the fumes and smoke. Her eyes seemed to lose it's usually fire to the flames, being replaced with only sorrow and fright.

He coughed madly, heaving the heavy material off the girl. He coughed and heaved, straining his muscles as it smashed against the floor, rolling off her small body. "Let's go," he coughed, waving his arm about to clear the smoke. He gently took her hand, trying to tug her back to him. She resisted, pulling her hand from his.

She shook her head, her dark hair flying in every direction. Her eyes were wide, and Baekhyun's eyebrows furrowed. She pointed down to her ankle, which was now swollen to the size of a grapefruit. "I can't walk," she whispered.Baekhyun's eyes were wide, but he scooped her up bridal style and ran.

The inhumane screams seemed to folow they, echoing around the crumbling building. He ran, his heart pounding against hers as he struggled to keep his now weak arms to hold her up. His feet jumped from foot to foot, making his staggering seem almost graceful.

He dodged a flame that seemed to reach towards them, and Sarang let out a shriek when another building piece was hurtled their way. "I hate being the damsel in distress," she coughed miserably, curling up in his arms to shield herself.

He leaned against the wall to take a breath, scooting away from the growing fire. "Only you would say something like that."

Dodging the flames and material that could've crushed them, he ran out, now soot covered. The night air filled his lungs, and it seemed as if his scorching hot skin was being kissed by the moonlight. Instantly they took sharp intakes of breath, Baekhyun still stumbling over to their companions.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now