Chapter Eleven- Dare of Flare

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It was currently lunch, and as usual Xiumin and I were the first ones at the roof top. I had homeroom with Baekhyun, which we also had with Taeyeon. She was glaring at him during the entire class, her eyes red and puffy. The air was one of awkwardness and guilt.

Why should he feel guilty? Why should I feel guilty?

But if he didn't feel guilty, he'd be an ass. And if I didn't feel guilty, then I'd be an ass! Either way, we're screwed. I told Baekhyun after homeroom to get his food from the canteen and then go to the roof. He seemed to understand where the classes were, so I didn't need to help him with the other periods.

"Hey, so what do you think of Bakehyun so far? You must think fondly since you saved his butt earlier," Xiumin chuckled. I shrugged, "He seems... sweet." Yeah, he seems to be. But what if I was wrong? I didn't know his and Taeyeon's story.

"Yeah, hard to believe a sweet guy could break a girl like Taeyeon," Xiumin mumbled. I combed my hair back, cradling my head. "Exactly," I breathed out.

"Hey, Xiumin-oppa, be honest, do you think someone could me could be... broken... like Taeyeon-ah?" I gnawed on my lower lip, turning it into a redder shade.

He studied me. I trusted Xiumin the most, out of everyone. He was honest, which I appreciated. "Honestly, Sarang-ah? I think between the four of us you're the easiest to break. The ones with the hardest outside always have the softest inside."

I nodded. I suppose he was right. "Do you think it could be by a guy like, I don't know... Baekhyun?"

He shrugged, "I don't know him well enough to tell you that, Sarang-shi."

I nodded again, "Understandable."

The doors to the roof opened to reveal Amber and Krystal. "Fresh meat isn't here yet?" Amber pouted, earning a smack from Krystal, who rolled her eyes. "C'mon, give him a break, he's cute!" I don't know if I felt jealousy with those words, but I chose to ignore it.

The doors swung open again to reveal Baekhyun, who was carrying a tray of food. "Where do we sit?"

I pointed over to a small table near the edge, giving out a view to some of the outside tables and trees. He sat, and we did too. I chewed on an apple, probably to seem like an asshole, and everyone continued their meals.

"Hey, how about truth or dare?" Krystal smirked.

"Yeah, Sarang-ah! Truth or dare?" Xiumin asked.

"Truth," I grumbled.

He looked surprised. "Omo? But you usually..." I suppose he remembered the favor I asked him Friday, because he shut up.

"Really? You're like the dare devil queen," Amber said, a bewildered expression on her face.

I gave a  small glance in Baekhyun's direction. He seemed amused. "Fine, dare," I grumbled.

"Alright, who do you have a crush on?" Krystal purred. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on! I know you like somebody, who?" she asked.

"You ask this everytime Krystal-ah," I muttered. "Besides, I chose dare, remember? And Xiumin's supposed to ask me, anyway."

She huffed, "Fine, fine. Can't blame me for trying."

"Omo? I don't understand," Baekhyun innocently said. Dammit, couldn't he leave it alone? I noticed the small, devilish glint in his eye.

"Krystal-shi is convinced Sarang-ah has a long lost love, or the one that got away. And she seems pretty convinced that she has a crush on somebody," Xiumin explained. "So she asks who Sarang-ah's ex is, or who she has a crush on. That's usually when Sarang-shi decides to pick dare instead."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now