Chapter Fourteen- The Delinquent Dancer

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I waited in the parking lot for Kai, impatiently tapping my foot and gripping my bag, feeling the cool leather strap. It was a chilly morning, with the cool morning air and buzzing in the air. It was still dark since even the sun didn't feel like waking up so early.

"Aish, I hope he meant what he said. I'll kill him if he doesn't show up," I mutter to myself, munching on another granola bar.

With that, a motorcycle pulled up, the whirring ceasing once it parked. Kai lifted up his helmet and shook his hair, finally turning to stare at me with his intense glare. His full lips parted into a small sneer, and he combed his hair back. "So you actually showed up, eh?"

I wore a surprised look. "I said I would, didn't I?"

He grunted, "I just didn't think most girls would be willing to get up so early."

"Well, most girls don't dump ice cream over queenka's heads either, now do they?" I asked.

"Touche," he shrugged. He opened the door to one of the dance studios. "Alright, so I got the choreography for the dance early, so that'll mean we'll learn it earlier. After all, we are practicing for the talent whatever Wednesday through Friday, so it can't hurt to get extra practice. Right?"

I nodded, stepping in after him. "Right." I signed up for three areas yesterday, and I believe Baekhyun signed up for dancing and singing. He was a great singer, so he should do fine. I'm not so sure about dancing.

"I helped make some of the choreography, actually. So watch me," he instructed.

He placed down his phone, which blared the music. His body moved in water-like, fluid movements. He froze, and his body moved perfectly to the beats. It was honestly more captivating than when I first watched him. The entire school would have to practice this masterpiece?

He was done with his amazing performance, and I didn't want him to stop. I mean, it was so amazing I couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from him! "Yah, pick up your jaw from the floor," Kai muttered, wiping his brow with a towel.

"How am I supposed to learn all that?" I asked him. "That looks like something that would take years to master! And just the first ten seconds!"

"Giving up already?" Kai challenged.

"Aniya," I stubbornly pout, accepting the challenge. "Where to we start?"

"Here," he raised out his hand. I took it and he pulled me over to the center of the dance room, where I was face to face with my reflection. I felt his hands on my hips, and he put my feet and arms in ready position. "Head up, shoulders back, stomach in," he instructed. Aish, it reminds me of when my parents made me take etiquette classes.

He walked over to his phone, making the music a bit slower. "Follow me," he instructed. He swayed his hips to the side, on the beat. I followed, doing each step. Step to the left, spin clockwise, move torso to the right and snap fingers up. I never tore my eyes away from him, concentrating on his movements.

"Good, you've got the first part good so far," he said. "Now, I'm going to put the music on the normal speed, so speed your movements to the beat. Arraso?"

"Arasso," I say. The music plays and I follow the moves I was just taught, using each movement to the beat.

It was more of a pop and lock, in my opinion. Hip hop? Yeah, this could be classified as hip hop.

I finished the part I was just taught. Man, am I already out of breath? The song was so fast I had to make all of my movements to the beat.

"Not bad," Kai admitted. "But your movements are kind of sloppy. Clean them up a bit."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now