Chapter Forty-One- Crushing Confessions

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It was Tuesday, January 5th. It was the first day back at school after Christmas Break, and they skipped Monday because they had a teacher conference and meeting. So, this was the first day back!

Since it was Tuesday, I still had to attend practice. By now I had all of the choreography down to the beat, but Kai said there was always time for improvement. After all, my dancing should be as good as my singing, shouldn't it?

I walked down from the car, heading to the dance room. I saw Kai's motorcycle already there, but I was surprised to see no other trace of him. Where was he?

I ignored it, heading in already. I was surprised when I turned on the light, and I heard stumbling. Something flew through the air and smacked me in the face, knocking me back in surprise.

"SHIT!" I heard someone curse, as I rubbed my nose and sat down. I small, spiral journal in front of me, the object that previously attacked me oh-so-viciously.

I grabbed it, flipping through the pages of Math notes, hearing steps rush over to me. My eyes widened as I saw what was on the inside of some of the more so recent pages.

Kai swiped the notebook from my hands, snatching the small book and clutching it to his chest. "How much did you read?" he whispered quietly, his eyes giving a slightly psychotic look as they stared holes into my brain.

I just gawked at him, jaw dropping. "It was a coverup... wasn't it?"

Kai's tan face paled, and he bit on his lip. He knew what I saw.

"How could I not see the signs?" I asked myself quietly, staring down at the ground. "It makes so much sense now."

"Sarang-ah, I--"

"How could you just hurt her like that?!" I yelled at him, jumping up and getting my face red with rage. "She really liked you, and you just took advantage of her! Didn't you? Do you know how much that must hurt her?"

"Sarang-shi, let me explain," he begged, hands up, one hand gripping tightly onto the notepad.

I glowered at him, "You hurt her, no wonder she seemed so... heartbroken that day. The day you started that lie."

He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "Mianhae," he mumbled. "I really... I really didn't mean for it to happen this way, mianhae."

I gripped my scissors from my bag and held it to his neck, backing him up to a wall. He dropped the notebook, and it flipped to the page that unlocked it all. My mind was whirring in so many different directions as I pieced it together.

I glanced down at the notebook, seeing the scrawl of Kyungsoo + Jongin and doodles of spirals surrounding them. He was a lovesick boy, and his crush was so obvious it seemed as of now.

"This is the secret you wouldn't tell me, huh?" I glared at him.

He gulped again, hands up as he was pinned to the wall. "I knew you'd react like this."

"I'm reacting like this because you used my friend," I hissed. "You're my friend, but I was raised to be wary of traitors. I could care less about that, but the fact you went on with the lie and dragged someone else into it is just..."

He looked down, "Mianhae. I didn't mean to... just let me explain."

I pulled the scissors back, still clutching on them. "I stabbed your appa with these scissors, Jongin," I growled. "I don't want to loose my mind to where I do it to his son for hurting my loved ones. It's the last thing I want to do."

Kai sighed, sitting down. "You'll want to sit down for this. It goes back, back to when you and Baekhyun were gone."

I sat down, listening.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now