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OK, first of all, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 101K! I never thought this book would even get 1K, and I'm just amazed so far asdfghjkl. Thanks to everyone who spams with comments, or vote on chapters, and it just makes me very happy!

I'm currently working on the sequel, which some of you might remember I took down. Don't worry, I just want to add a few things and fix some so that I get back on track with the story.

Now, a special crack chapter as a thank you, featuring all of your favs!

"This is ridiculous," Amber mutters. "Kai is gay, and I'm not interested in him like that. I certainly do not want a lap dance from him!"

"Come on, Amber, he's a dancer after all," I snicker, encouraging it. Kai offered to give Amber a lap dance for her birthday since I decided to dub him the 'sexiest walking gay jewel that ever existed' and they decided that Amber would be fit for the special treatment for the one with the honorary title.

"Not a stripper!"

"He might as well be, from what he and D.O do in the bedroom," Baekhyun grins, earning a slap on the arm from Kyungsoo.

The egg himself glares at Baekhyun and turns to Amber. "It's fine, Amber. It's your birthday, so I'll allow this one-time thing."

"You just want to film your boyfriend grinding on something, asshat! You aren't slick with your phone," Amber huffs.

D.O only gives his signature Satansoo grin.

"Pervert," Krystal rolls her eyes.

"You can shut your trap I see you also having your phone out!"

"I didn't say I wasn't one," Krystal laughs, turning to me. "Sarang, do the honors of picking a song for this, won't you?"

"Gladly," I laugh. "Kai, you'd better do it right."

His brows jump. "What, how many lap dances have you given?"

I grin at him, and Krystal slaps my arm. "TMI! TMI! Oh, God, Sarang. Jesus!"

"What?" I feign innocence. "Anyways, Kai, you'll do great."

"You guys so owe me," Amber growls, nevertheless sitting down in the chair, obedient.

I scroll through my phone, instantly finding it. I find Happy Birthday, the longer version. I play it so loud our eardrums feel like they're about to pop. Winking at Amber, I laugh. "This song will be ruined for you."

Without a further word, Kai gets on his hands and knees and starts crawling towards Amber.

"Whoomp," Ambers blurts out, causing all of us to giggle.

"This just got NSFW real quick," Xiumin shakes his head. He winks at you, "Kids, leave already, this is going to get inappropriate real quick."

"Isn't it already?" Krystal muttered.

"Wait, Xiumin did you just break the fourth wall?" I ask him, wide-eyed. "You can't just do that!"

"What? It's still intact," he says, brushing the wall with his fingertips.

"Oh yeah baby, just like that," the wall moaned in response.

"Let the lapdance commence!" I declare, seeing Kai grab the legs of Amber's chair and yank her forward, her open legs on either side of his face.

"Keough!" she yelps.

"Gee, Amber, I hope your moans aren't like that in the sack," Baekhyun mumbles. "You sound like a dying cat trying to fuck a watermelon."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now