Chapter Thirty-Two- Lifeguard Duty

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The same buzzing from her cell phone, waking her up that morning. Sarang flopped her arm over the nightstand, silencing the phone. Ugh. The thought of being with those two idiots, mainly Olivia, for yet another day made her want to vomit.

They were going to the beach today, and so far hanging out with these kids who seemed to believe there were no consequences for them was making her skull go numb. Having to deal with a racist idiot wasn't the most pleasant of experiences, and Sarang pitied the others who dealt with this every day in other countries.

"Baekhyun-ah," she yawned, nudging the boy's arm around her waist. He grumbled, hugging her as if she were a teddy bear only tighter. "You've got to get up," Sarang insisted, and the boy mumbled in response.

"I don't wanna," he whined.

"Fine, I guess it'll just be me, Grayson, and Olivia at the beach. Really want to leave me alone with those Rossman imbeciles?"

"Fine," he rolled over, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Sarang smiled tiredly, "Really? That changed your mind?"

"Sarang, whatever we go through, we go through together," Baekhyun mumbled in a husky voice.

Sarang blushed, turning over to get her swimsuit. She picked out a black bikini and slipped it on. Letting her hair down she picked out a random coverup, which happened to be a slightly see-through white dress, where her bikini peeked out from under.

"Hey, Baek? You think this is OK?" she called out. The boy came out half dressed in a T-shirt and swim trunks.

He frowned a little at the coverup, "Isn't that a little... revealing?"

"No, I mean it covers up most of the bikini," Sarang said, turning back to the mirror.

"I just don't want Grayson to get any ideas," Baekhyun muttered to himself, grabbing a comb to brush his hair.

"Please, that boy would get an idea even if someone was wearing a trash bag," Sarang muttered.

"So you notice it too?" Baekhyun asked her.

"The sad truth is that even though the guy typically thinks the girl isn't aware that he's checking her out, she's all too aware. She's constantly aware of the stares of lust that could come after her, or the stares of judgement. A lot of the time she ends up scared that one of those people staring will want to harm her."

Baekhyun nodded, "Never thought of it that way."

Sarang shrugged, "Most people don't."

They walked downstairs and to the main lobby, greeting their parents.

Mrs. Byun smiled, "Excited for your second day with the Rossman children?"

"Uh, sure," Baekhyun nodded.

"Remember kids, act polite. Being polite is key, no matter where you are in the world," Mr. Song said diligently.

Once again the doors opened, and the Rossman family appeared. Grayson wore a tight tank top and trunks, and his sister also wore a skimpy bikini and a sheer, see-through cover up.

"Baekhyun!" Olivia squealed, running up to Baekhyun and tackling him in a hug. The boy stiffened as the girl let him go. "Let's go to the beach, beach~ Let's go get away!"

Sarang just stared blankly, glancing over to Grayson. "Ready to go?" she asked him.

He flexed his muscles not-so-subtly, "Totally, man."

They walked over to the convertible, driving to the beach. After parking the car and getting our things, they found a suitable spot. Setting up the umbrella and chairs (which Olivia didn't help at all with) they settled. Sarang and Baekhyun both put on powerful sunscreen (because of their pale skin) and got confused looks from Olivia and Grayson.

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